Career Focus: Civil engineering

Average salary for a civil engineer is £18,000 per annum rising to over £42,000 by the age of 30, according to the Institute …

Average salary for a civil engineer is £18,000 per annum rising to over £42,000 by the age of 30, according to the Institute of Engineers of Ireland. Website: It's worth keeping an eye on the Institute of Engineers of Ireland's website at, in order to check details of its upcoming (Schools Technology and Engineering Programme for Skills), which will take place this year in November. This will involve a series of on-site visits to engineering companies throughout the country, including Cork, Limerick, Waterford, Dublin and Galway. Earlier this year, over 500 students visited over 25 engineering companies through the programme.

Colleges: The IEI lists 15 different third-level colleges which offer engineering courses: Athlone IT has two cert courses; Carlow IT has two cert courses; Cork IT has two cert courses; DIT Bolton Street has one degree and one cert course; TCD has one degree course; UCD has one degree course; NUI Galway has two degree courses; Dundalk IT has two cert courses; Galway-Mayo IT has one degree course and three cert courses; Letterkenny IT has two cert courses; Limerick IT has two cert courses; Sligo IT has two cert courses; Tralee IT has two cert courses; Waterford IT has one cert course and UCC has one degree course. Numbers: There are 17,000 engineers registered with the IEI, of which

38 per cent are civil engineers. Some 7 per cent of the total are women.