Children are getting a good artistic impression

School groups are responding in droves to the opportunity to visit the Impressionism exhibition in the new Millennium Wing of…

School groups are responding in droves to the opportunity to visit the Impressionism exhibition in the new Millennium Wing of the National Gallery.

Marie Bourke, head of education at the gallery, says the groups "are not guided" through the busy exhibition, but are making liberal use of the audio guides and activity sheets on offer. The latter "are walking out of the gallery", she says.

A large-format "resource pack" has gone out to each primary and post-primary school in the State. The pack contains copies of eight works from the National Gallery's own collection - including paintings by Monet, Cézanne, Degas and less-famous women painters Berthe Morisot and Eva Gonzalès. Each print also features a short text about the painting and the painter (along with the logo of the oil-company sponsor). On the reverse side they feature discussion points, suggested projects and cross-curricular links. Bourke says the gallery has been inundated with orders for more copies of the pack, which cost €12.50.

Telephone (01) 648 6060 for more information on arranging school visits to the exhibition. A series of Sunday lectures in February may also be of interest to teachers.