Colleges criticised over points ‘inflation’ ahead of CAO offers

More than 50,000 students to learn fate from Central Applications Office at 6am tomorrow

Leaving Cert students at Belvedere College, Dublin, about to sit an exam in June of this year. Photograph: Alan Betson/The Irish Times

Third level colleges have come under fresh criticism for "artificially inflating" CAO points, through the proliferation of niche courses, ahead of the release of college offers tomorrow morning.

More than 50,000 applicants for places in higher education institutions will find out what offer, if any, they get by logging onto from 6 am.

An analysis by The Irish Times of the 1,400 CAO courses provided annually by higher education institutions shows that only 65 courses have 100 or more places.

More than one-third of courses being offered by universities and institutes of technology have 15 or fewer places, and some 24 courses have only one place, in a pattern linked to the “artificial inflation” of college entry points.


Universities and institutes of technology have pledged to reduce the number of courses on offer to make the CAO application simpler, thus allowing students greater flexibility in their college options.

However, the figures indicate little progress in the area, with the number of CAO course codes at higher degree (level 8) rising from 903 in 2013 to 941 this year. They are expected to fall back to about 925 in 2015.

Colleges have been widely criticised for populating the CAO lists with narrowly-defined, “prestige” courses that attract high points by virtue of having a very low intake. For institutes of technology having a variety of entry codes is seen as a way of boosting profile and creating greater competition among applicants.

Very often students who enter an institution through different course codes end up being taught a near-identical curriculum.

Commenting on the figures, Clive Byrne, director of the National Association of Principals and Deputy Principals, said there was a need to accelerate reform of the college entry system.

“We would be very keen that the numbers [OF COURSES]would be reduced and that genuine courses would be made available, which would have a knock-on effect of reducing the points level.”

He said it was widely acknowledged that some courses were being offered as part of a larger discipline simply to “inflate the points”, and he welcomed the universities’ commitment to tackle the problem.

“The problem is none of the universities will go first. They all want to go together.”

A steering group on college entry reform involving various education stakeholders published a report last summer. It said the State’s seven universities had committed to ensuring the number of undergraduate courses offered in 2015 was reduced to 2011 levels.

Universities and institutes of technology were also “intensively reviewing their programme portfolios to reduce the complexity of choice and to ensure broader entry programmes into higher education”, states the report.

However, the figures indicate major inconsistencies across institutions. NUI Maynooth, for example, offers four engineering-related courses through the CAO with just 26 places in total. One of the courses, "electronic engineering with communications", had just two places last year.

In contrast, TCD offered two engineering courses with 185 places and UCD offered one engineering course with 283 places.

Among institutes of technology, Tralee IT was shown to offer four tourism-related, higher-degree courses last year with 15 places. These included “travel and tourism management”, which had just two places and an entry requirement of 340 points.

In contrast, Cork IT offered one level 8 tourism course for 13 students with a general entry requirement of 250 points.

The figures showed that of 903 higher-degree (level 8) courses offered in 2013, 329 had 15 or fewer places, and 42 had three or fewer.

Of 444 ordinary degree or higher certificate (level 6/7) courses, 150 had 15 or fewer places and 22 had three or fewer.


The Irish Times CAO help desk, which parents and students can contact for advice on their offers, will be open from 8am at

Guidance counsellors will be available to answer questions, and CAO applicants can read common queries relating to procedures and future options.

Joe Humphreys

Joe Humphreys

Joe Humphreys is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times and writer of the Unthinkable philosophy column