Cork IT takes on drop-out rate

Cork Institute of Technology, along with Waterford IT, boasts the highest retention rates in the IT sector, according to a recent…

Cork Institute of Technology, along with Waterford IT, boasts the highest retention rates in the IT sector, according to a recent draft survey. Nonetheless, the Cork college is implementing a major initiative to improve student non-completion. According to Deirdre Creedon of Cork IT's Educational Opportunities Centre, which is co-ordinating the initiative, the institute has been acutely aware for some years of the need to cut the economic and personal costs represented by drop-out; close to a third of Cork IT students in the survey failed to complete their courses.

"The issue of retention," she says, "is hugely important, not just for financial reasons but, even more importantly, for the individuals concerned. The target of this initiative is to drive the drop-out rate to the absolute minimum."

Last year, the Department of Education and Science allocated £1.5 million to the ITs and the DIT to support measures to address non-completion rates. Pre-college guidance is a major focus of the Cork programme. Research shows that students who choose unsuitable courses are more likely to drop out. "Our aim is to ensure that all second-level students considering a Cork IT course have all the information they need," says Ed Riordan of the registrar's office. The college's full-time schools liaison officer works closely with schools guidance counsellors.

The college prospectus, website and course brochures have been upgraded and expanded. In the past year alone, 3,000 school pupils and their parents have benefited from Cork IT "exploration" courses. This year, more than 400 first-years will spend one hour per week of their first term in intensive programmes. These will cover study skills, financial management, peer support, career and educational guidance, stress management and the third-level experience. Academic supports are also planned - with extra tuition for students who experience difficulties early in their courses. "Maths is the top priority," Riordan says.


The college has expanded student supports and services in recent years. These include a student advisory service, which gives detailed careers and educational guidance and counselling to students and financial assistance where necessary.

A report in last week's edition should have stated that the recent study of retention rates had shown Cork IT to have the lowest drop-out rate in the State. EL mistakenly ascribed the Cork figure to Carlow IT.