Rachael English

Rachael English

Current job: Broadcaster RTÉ

What schools did you go to? St Patrick's Comprehensive School in Shannon, Co Clare.

Did you have any famous schoolmates? The school can boast several all-Ireland medal-winning hurlers, but I have to admit that they're a bit younger than me.


Best Subject: English

Worst subject? There were several, but I pity the poor examiner who had to mark my Inter Cert mechanical drawing paper.

Did you have any hidden talents at school? One teacher told me that I was the luckiest pupil she ever taught, but I suppose that doesn't qualify as a talent.

Most inspirational teacher and why? All of them.

Did you go to college? If so, where? NIHE in Dublin, now DCU.

What's the best aspect of the Irish education system? The broad-based nature of the Leaving Cert.

What's the worst aspect of the Irish education system? Grind school hysteria. So much for free education.

What song most reminds you of your school days? This Charming Man by The Smiths.