Food tech in focus for competition

Biotechnology in farming and food is the subject of Student Challenge 2001, a competition for Transition Year students

Biotechnology in farming and food is the subject of Student Challenge 2001, a competition for Transition Year students. This is the second Agri Aware challenge supported by The Irish Times and the Transition Year Curriculum Support Service.

Entry forms should reach secondary schools from tomorrow. Online entries can be sent at

According to John McCullen, of Agri Aware: "Last year young people set about the task of looking at biotechnology in an unbiased and agenda-free manner, and highlighted the need for more balanced information about biotechnology."

The competition provides an opportunity for students, working in teams of up to four, to investigate, research and analyse before compiling a full report on their findings. Subject areas include scientific, environmental, socio-economic and political issues. Entry forms must be returned to Agri Aware by December 15th. Students then have a further two months to complete their report of between 5,000 and 6,000 words before February 15th. Regular features and updates can be found on and in The Irish Times.


The winning team will receive either training in web design or construction of a website for their school. Each team member will receive a digital camera, a trophy and a certificate. Runners-up will each get a Sony PlayStation One, with a selection of games and a trophy and certificate.