For better, for verse

A Part Of Ireland Now was the title of an exhibition and booklet telling the stories of 10 refugees who came to live in Ireland…

A Part Of Ireland Now was the title of an exhibition and booklet telling the stories of 10 refugees who came to live in Ireland in recent years. The exhibition has been touring the State for a number of months.

While in Tallaght, Dublin, a poetry competition was organised for local schools on the subject of refugees and the stories told in the exhibition. There were some 70 entries in two age categories and these are the two winners.

Over 10 years:

Leonie Byrne (12), St Mary's National School, Bancroft Avenue, Tallaght



Dark man, yellow man, refugee These people are all new to me Different colour, different place It doesn't matter about their skin It only matters what's within

We're all different in different ways!

Under 10 years:

Sarah Bucknell, St Maelruain's National School, Old Bawn, Tallaght


Jumping off the boat People scream and shout I was afraid of it all We were all crying with hunger

Sneaking on a lorry Jumping off after a while People shout "You stupid refugees Go back to your own country."

I was separated from my dad People stared and beat me My house was destroyed And so was my life

Some people are friendly Some people are not I'm standing on a street People walk past and look I'm confused, I'm scared

Some people don't like me Some people ask to help My mother just stands There, confused, very confused