Gap closes between North’s girls and boys in A levels

Performance levels strong in North with 7.7 per cent of entries receiving an A* this year

Students at Dominican College in Belfast after receiving their A level results. Photograph: Brian Lawless/PA

Mathematics has grown in popularity in Northern Ireland as more students gear up for the jobs market, A-level results showed.

The gap between the top performing girls and boys overall has closed at the highest A* grade.

Performance levels remained strong and stable with 7.7 per cent of entries receiving an A*, up 0.1 per cent on last year.

Female students outperformed boys across the grades but boys continued to close the gap at the highest grade, rising 0.1 per cent to 7.5 per cent.


The number of entries in mathematics rose this year by 1.4 per cent and was the most popular subject with the highest levels of achievement.

Anne Marie Duffy, director of qualifications in Northern Ireland, said: "It is a very desirable subject for entry to university for engineering and for business qualifications and it is one of the Stem (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) subjects.

“People make individual choices based on where their career aspirations lie.”

A recent survey by the Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce and Industry found half of businesses felt a skills mismatch/shortage was hampering economic and business growth and few believed young people were receiving enough support when making their choices.

The results showed participation in Stem subjects remained popular, with a growth in participation by girls in ICT, mathematics, biology and chemistry. There was also an increase in the number of students choosing business studies.

Overall, the tally of entries for A-level decreased this year by 1.7 per cent in line with falling school populations.

There were notable drops in the number of entries in music, religious studies, drama and art and design.

More than 28,000 pupils received their A-level and AS-level results on Thursday.

The number of A-level entries was 31,828, and the proportion of entrants receiving A* or A grades rose by 0.2 per cent on the previous year, with almost 30 per cent receiving the high marks.

Maths, biology, history, English and religious studies were the five most popular subjects.

For the third year the proportion of entries for media/film/television subjects has increased — up 3.6 per cent.

The number of students staying at school after the age of 16 to take A-levels has risen.

Stormont education minister Peter Weir said students in Northern Ireland had outperformed their counterparts in England and Wales.

“Worthy of note is the level of participation in Stem subjects, which remain popular, with a growth in female participation in subjects such as mathematics and computing.

“Employers continue to tell us about the growing need for students with science, technology, engineering and maths subjects and this year entries in a number of Stem subjects from female students have increased.”