Garda fingers are on the PULSE

The pulse computerised data system is an extensive programme that is going to revolutionise the Siochana organisation and the…

The pulse computerised data system is an extensive programme that is going to revolutionise the Siochana organisation and the whole way gardai conduct their business. A computerised fingerprint storage and retrieval system was installed in 1995/96 as the first element of the PULSE project.

According to the Garda Siochana Annual Report 1999, PULSE is a series of "police specific" systems, which the report says "has generated considerable interest within the law enforcement community and foreign government circles". The Garda IT section has had visiting delegations from Australia, Britain, Germany, Hungary, Europol, Iceland, New Zealand, Spain, Sweden and the Netherlands.

A number of new PULSE systems, such as incident response, interim court outcomes, firearms, general enquiries, photographs, property and incident analyses, were installed last year to ensure that the system operated successfully. There are currently more than 1,100 PULSE workstations and 300 PULSE printers in 104 locations.