Getting funds for the big night

Former captain of Terenure College, Dublin, Patrick Smyth has been busy organising the recent sixth-form debs' night which was…

Former captain of Terenure College, Dublin, Patrick Smyth has been busy organising the recent sixth-form debs' night which was held at the Court Hotel, Killiney, Co Dublin. The debs' committee raised almost £8,000 towards the cost of the night by organising socials and pre-debs' events.

Profits from the school tuck shop also went to swell the committee's coffers. As a result the group was been able to hire a photographer and offer a free wine and cheese reception to debs, partners and parents. "It was hard work," says Smyth, now a first-year UCD student. "The biggest problem was collecting the money for the tickets." Up to a few days before the event some people had yet to hand over their money, he says.

"Debs' is a big night for guys - they may make less fuss about it than girls do, but they look forward to it for a long time," says Smyth. Finding a partner is a major factor in boys' not going to debs'. However, many people are fixed up by friends.

Going on as blind date is not a problem. "The chances are you're going to know a lot of people at the debs' and, even if you don't get on with your partner, you can still have a good time," he says.