Going green

Ballinteer Community School in south Dublin is turning green - not with envy but with commitment

Ballinteer Community School in south Dublin is turning green - not with envy but with commitment. Students are taking part in a European programme to protect the environment. The green school programme is designed to acknowledge and encourage whole school action. It operates in 16 European countries.

"Our students are very enthusiastic about this programme and are very conscious of the environment that they work and play in," says Michael Brennan, Leaving Cert Applied co-ordinator. The programme was launched at Ballinteer Community School last month by Patricia McKenna MEP.

The wider community, including parents, management as well as students and teachers are involved in the programme. Once the school has achieved a list of objectives it may apply for a green flag. For more information about the initiative, the web page is at http://wwwfeee.org