In my life

Lucy Kennedy , Podge & Rodge's partner in crime

Lucy Kennedy, Podge & Rodge's partner in crime

Where did you go to school?

Holy Child School Killiney, Co Dublin.

What was your best subject?


Career guidance.

Who was your favourite teacher and why?

Ms Griffin our career guidance teacher. Ms Griffin totally got me. I changed my mind several times about my career throughout school, but she always had time for me and was there to guide me. I always felt like she really understood who I was.

Who was your childhood idol?

Zig & Zag. I absolutely loved them.

Who was your best friend and why?

Vicky Palmer, because she would let me copy her homework and always got me out of trouble because she was the sensible one. We were on the hockey team together and were widely known as the gruesome twosome. We are still the best of friends to this day.

What is she doing now?

Vicky is now an account manager for an IT company called Softco.

What TV show/film most reminds you of your schooldays?

Without doubt, Bridget Jones's Diary because I wore massive knickers, I was always in trouble and I was a complete Calamity Jane.

What song most reminds you of your schooldays?

Enigma, Return to Innocence.

What food most reminds you of your schooldays?

Capri Sun, Meanies and Quick Lunches.

Who did you take to your debs?

Donal Somers, my first love and my first boyfriend.

Would you send your children to the same school you went to?

Without a doubt. Definitely.

What was the best thing about your education?

When it was over.

What was the worst thing about your education?

Having to learn maths. I think I actually developed numerical dyslexia.