In my life ... Sean Og O hAilpin

Current job : Captain, Cork hurling team

Current job: Captain, Cork hurling team

What schools did you go to? North Monastery, Cork - primary and secondary.

Best subject? Accounting

Worst subject? French


What's the boldest thing you ever did in school?

I yawned loudly in class after hurling training one day. That didn't go down well.

Who was your favourite teacher and why? My accounting teacher, Mr O'Callaghan. I got good results in that subject thanks to him.

What was your earliest career ambition? To be a professional sportsman - any sport would have done

Were you cool or nerdy at school? Well I wasn't a nerd, anyway.

Did you go to college? I did the Fiontar programme at DCU - finance, enterprise and computing through Irish.

What song most reminds you of your school days? Wake Up It's A Beautiful Morning by The Boo Radleys

What would you look for when choosing a school for your own children? Plenty of choice in sport, music and other extra-curricular activities.

Were your school days the best days of your life? I don't know yet, but my teachers did a good job preparing me for the realities of life.