Leaving Cert Results Guide: What to do Next

First-round offers will be available online from 6am next Monday

Pupils of Marian College, Sandymount, doing English paper 1 in June. Photograph: Bryan O’Brien

Tomorrow, the bulk of the almost 57,000 candidates who receive their Leaving Cert results will find themselves involuntarily plunged into one of three emotional states: elation (their CAO points will almost certainly be enough to get a place on a college course), disappointment (they don't think they have enough CAO points), or worry (they are around the cusp of the possible CAO points for a course they want, and it could go either way).

The process of accepting and beginning a college course should be somewhat like a wedding: students hope they will only go through it once.

When will Leaving Cert results translate into a college offer?

First-round offers will be available online from 6am next Monday, August 19th, and should also be received by post that morning. Applicants who filled in both sides of their CAO form and secure enough points will receive two offers: one for a place on a Level 7/8 course (previously, these were commonly known as “diploma courses”) and one for a place on a Level 8 degree course. They can only accept one of these offers.


Will points go up or down?

Early indications suggest that CAO points requirements are likely to be broadly similar to those of last year, although some business or commerce courses may see a slight rise.

When do applicants have to make their mind up?

There’s no need to rush into a panicked decision – the closing date for acceptance of CAO round one offers is 5.15pm on August 26th. If candidates are away or unavailable, someone else may accept on their behalf, as long as they have the offer notice.

What if the applicant hasn’t secured the points for the course they really want?

The CAO process continues into September. CAO round-two offers arrive by post on August 29th. Applicants who missed out on their first choice of course in round one may now be offered for a higher preference course if a place becomes available; this is irrespective of whether or not they accepted an earlier offer. They can accept the new offer if they wish or simply ignore (and thus reject) it.

The closing date for acceptance of round two offers is 5.15pm on September 4th.

What if they feel their results were unfair?

On August 20th, candidates who wish to view their exam scripts must return an application to their school. Appeal results will be available by mid-October; if an appeal is successful, the CAO may make a further offer of a college place to any candidate who secures the required CAO points. This place can be accepted or rejected.

What if they get no offer at all?

Parents or guardians should stay calm and supportive. Whatever happens, don’t despair. There are many alternatives. An offer may come in round two. They can look at studying abroad. Check out the option of taking a vacant college place; many of these are in the private-college sector. Consider repeating. Or look at one of the many excellent Post-Leaving Cert courses, which is a valuable qualification in itself and may also lead to a college place.

What if an acceptance gets lost in the post, or something dreadful and unforeseen goes wrong?

The CAO is a private registered company which handles tens of thousands of third-level applications on behalf of Irish universities and colleges every year. They are old pros: the system is relatively straightforward and serious errors are unlikely, so applicants and their parents should stay calm. Any inquiries should be put in writing to the CAO, quoting the CAO application number. Be sure to pay close attention to the CAO deadlines: these are not flexible.

If applicants are using snail mail instead of the online system, it’s a good idea to send everything by registered post. The CAO will send a formal notification of receipt of acceptances within three working days after the reply date for acceptances for that round. Contact the CAO immediately if this notification is not received.