Model Answer: Ordinary-level Irish

Leaving C ertificate Irish (Ordinary Level) - Páipéar 2 (Roinn A Ceist 2 Filíocht Ainmhithe)

Leaving C ertificate Irish (Ordinary Level) - Páipéar 2 (Roinn A Ceist 2 Filíocht Ainmhithe)

The question is from a páipéar samplach.

General Comment

The texts of the poems are printed on the examination papers. Therefore, be sure to make use of them, by quoting from them, when answering a question on this section. It is important when studying any of the poems to prepare the following: the theme/s of the poem, the tone of the poem and what techniques did the poet use when he/she was writing the poem.


You are sometimes asked to explain some lines from the poem, usually two, in your own words -- "Cad atá i gceist ag an bhfile leis an gcaint sin, dar leat ?" So make sure that you are able to use your own words to explain these lines.

In this question, you must give a short account of the main thoughts in the poem and describe one image from the poem that you liked.

Maidir leis an dán, Chlaon Mé Mo Cheann, tabhair cuntas gairid ar phríomhsmaointe an dáin agus ar íomhá amháin sa dán sin a thaitin go mór leat.

You must identify one main thought for each stanza

Cuntas gairid ar phríomhsmaointe an dáin

Chrom an file a cheann nuair a chuaigh sé thar an teach inár fhás sé suas ann fadó. Bhí eagla air go bhfeicfeadh sé a mháthair ag an doras ag fanacht go himníoch leis. Bhí eagla air freisin go bhfeicfeadh sé a athair ag teacht abhaile go toilteanach óna chuid oibre sa tráthnóna.

You are expected to write a short paragraph for each, roughly five or six lines

Chrom an file a cheann nuair a chuaigh sé thar an teach ar eagla go dtósodh sé ag smaoineamh ar na blianta a chaith sé sa teach seo lena thuismitheoirí. Anois tá daoine eile ina gcónaí sa teach agus tá an-bhrón ar an bhfile. Tá eagla air go dtosóidh sé ag gol agus ag caoineadh.

You should also add the reasons why you liked this image. For example, the emotions are clear because of the image.

Íomhá amháin a thaitin go mór liom

Taitníonn an íomhá liom ag tús an dáin den fhile ag dul thar a theach agus é ag smaoineamh siar ar a shaol. Tuigim na mothúcháin pearsanta a bhraitheann an file. Tuigim brón agus uaigneas. Mar tá sé ag smaoineamh ar na blianta deasa a chaith sé sa teach sin lena thuismitheoirí. Níl aon duine beo nach bhféadfadh na focail i línte 14 agus 15 a thuiscint, sé sin, briseadh croí an fhile. B'fhéidir go bhfuil ceacht le foghlaim ón dán seo, sé sin, nach féidir le duine a chúl a chasadh ar a dhúchas. Cuireann an íomhá sin ag tús an dáin, den fhile ag dul thar a theach, ag smaoineamh mé.


Oral Exam 150 marks

Aural Exam 120 marks

Written Exam 330 marks

Total: 600 marks

Written paper - Páipéar 1

Time: 140 minutes. Allow5 minutes at the start of the exam to read through the paper in its entirety.

Marks 220 marks


Ceist 1 - Ceapadóireacht (120 marks): Answer 2 of 4. Allow 70 minutes, 35 minutes for each question. All questions carry 60 marks

Ceist 2 - Léamhthuiscint (100 marks): Answer A and B. Allow 60 minutes. Allow 5 minutes at the end of the exam to check over your work.

Páipéar 2

Time: 140 minutes. Allow 10 minutes at the start of the exam to read through the paper in its entirety.

Marks: 110 marks

Answer either Roinn A or B

Roinn A - Cúrsa Ainmnithe (prescribed course) 110 marks.

Ceist 1 - Prós Ainmnithe (55 marks): Answer A and B

Ceist 2 - Filíocht Ainmnithe (55 marks): Answer A and B.

Allow 120 minutes, 60 minutes for each question

Roinn B - Cúrsa Roghnach (optional course) 110 marks

Ceist 1 - Prós Roghnach (55 marks): Answer one question from A and one question from B.

Ceist 2 - Filíocht Roghnach (55 marks): Allow 120 minutes, 60 minutes for each question.

Allow 10 minutes at the end of the exam to check over your work.

• Remember that the Irish Course at Leaving Certificate ordinary level is comprised of four parts. They are the oral examination (An Scrudú Béil), the aural examination (Triail Chluastuisceana), the language paper (Páipéar 1), and the literature paper (Páipéar 2). Make sure that you turn up for each exam. Do not be tempted to leave out even one part of the overall examination!

On Páipéar 1, students should aim to be as exact as possible regarding grammar. Marks will be lost for not attempting to do so.

• Remember that 80 per cent of the marks are for the standard of Irish and only 2 per cent are for the subject material. Páipéar 2 will examine your knowledge on the selected prose (prós) and poetry (filíocht) sections. Be sure to know the contents of both well.