More chances to get over to France

Cultural Exchange: THE enthusiasm of France's Minister for Education Jack Lang for all things European has ensured that there…

Cultural Exchange: THE enthusiasm of France's Minister for Education Jack Lang for all things European has ensured that there are more opportunities than ever for Irish third-level students of French wanting to spend time in France as English language assistants, writes Rose Doyle.

Mr Lang has almost doubled the 3,500 language assistant places on offer to 6,500 worldwide.

The scheme, operating between this country and France for 35 years, involves an eight-month stay in France. To ensure that ever more Irish students take part eligibility has been extended beyond the university-based departments of French to include students of the humanities departments in universities, ITs and other third-level institutions.

Last year 120 Irish students made the trip.


Students applying should be 20 or older, be in the second year at least of third-level studies, able to teach through English and have an intermediate level of French.

Application forms, which should be sent to the Department of Education before March 5th, 2002, can be had from Dolores Ronane at the department (01) 889. 2426 or downloaded on echange/ressourc/etran.htm

Meanwhile, a team of Irish second-level students has gone to France to take part, in French, in a debating competition, and won! A team from five Dublin schools and one in Derry triumphed in the first ever Alliance Française Franco-Irlandaises "Joutes Oratoires Interscolaires". Adjudicator Pierre Joannon said the Irish won "with ease, humour, panache and determination".