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From history to reality, goddesses to mortals... Anne Byrne surfs the net

From history to reality, goddesses to mortals... Anne Byrne surfs the net From the encyclopaedia of informal education, read about Ellen Ranyard's (1810-1875) idea for bible women. "This missionary cum social worker, a working-class woman drawn from the neighbourhood to be canvassed, was to provide the 'missing link' between the poorest families and their social superiors. Given a three-month training in the poor law, hygiene and scripture, Mrs Ranyard's agents" went to work.

www.goddesss-athena.orgn/ Encyclopaedia/Athena/Ahtena_m.htm "Daughter of Zeus, and only by him, the Goddess Athena was not generated by any woman. She leaped from the head of Zeus, already adult, dressed with her armour." This encyclopaedia of Athena, Greek goddess of wisdom, "the protectress of civilised life"includes Athena in Homer's Odyssey, Athena's surnames, Athena's cult, the gifts of Athena and the bath of Athena.


This encyclopaedia of the first World War ranges widely - from the soldiers, to war artists to women at war. Read about Cicely Hamilton, one of the founders of the Scottish Women's Federation she suggested women's medical units be allowed to serve. In the summer of 1916, this former foster child helped nurse soldiers wounded at the Battle of the Somme.

This is an encyclopaedia of Russian artists, with a Russian-language version available. For a typical Russian scene, click on Nikolay Kasatkin's works, which include Joke, an oil on canvas, 1892. A bearded man, standing by his horse-drawn sleigh, in a snowy street, shares a joke with passers-by. His style is representative of the "new proletarian style in Russian painting".


All you ever wanted to know about dolphins. When sleeping or resting, dolphins may swim slowly and surface every now and then for a breath; rest at the surface with their blowhole exposed or rest on the bottom (in shallow water) and rise to the surface every now and then to breathe. They spend one-third of their day sleeping, one-third eating and one-third playing or making love.