Mountmellick Community School stays open with contingency plan

School principal Larry Curtin says there is 50/50 staff split between TUI, ASTI members

Mountmellick Community School put a contingency plan in place allowing it to reopen after the midterm break. File photograph: Google Street View

Mountmellick Community School in Co Laois put a contingency plan in place allowing it to reopen after the midterm today, despite half its staff being ASTI members.

School principal Larry Curtin explained there is a 50/50 split in staff between TUI and ASTI members, who have withdrawn from supervision duties.

Mr Curtin said: “I guess the contingency plan that is in place is dependent on a number of factors, and we are envisaging, and hope, that it is sustainable.”

‘Always challenges’

Acknowledging the difficulties associated with the ASTI action, Mr Curtin said “there are always challenges, absolutely, there are challenges which we are currently meeting”.


Mr Curtin explained before the midterm break that a meeting of the parents’ association was informed of the contingency measures at the school. “Some of the parents would certainly have commented that they were pleased,” he said.

This was not to say all the parents were happy with the situation, he added.

The school is set to close on Tuesday when the ASTI members plan to picket over the drop in starting pay for new teachers.

It is planning to reopen on Wednesday for the rest of the week.