Notice Board

Open Day: An open day will be held at Letterkenny RTC next Friday

Open Day: An open day will be held at Letterkenny RTC next Friday. Potential students can see the college's new facilities, which include a new library, restaurant, four lecture theatres, nine state-of-the-art computer labs and a student services area. All are welcome. The day starts at 9.30 a.m.

NCIR Date: The National College of Industrial Relations will host an open evening on Tuesday, December 2nd, between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. Students will be able to collect information about degree and certificate courses. They can meet faculty and staff members. The NCIR is on Sandford Road in Ranelagh, Dublin. Buses from Dublin's city centre are 11, 11A, 11B, 44, 44B, 44C, 48A and 86 - and there's the 18 from Sandymount Dart station. For information, phone (01) 406 0501/0 or fax (01) 497 2200.

Music Treat: The World Music for Youth Festival, which is free at the RDS, Dublin, this week, is intended to give young people an opportunity to experience a wide variety of musical styles on a non-competitive platform. Most of the workshops have already been booked out but there are some places left for students who want to take part in a drum kit workshop this Saturday. The festival started yesterday and runs until Sunday. Participants take part in a series of hands-on workshops culminating in a festival concert on Sunday. For information contact Sinead O Duinnin at the RDS - phone (01) 668 0866, fax (01) 660 4014.

Write Stuff: The closing date for a competition aimed at developing business writing skills among third-level, leaving cert and Transition Year students is Friday, December 5th. The competition is divided into two sections - third-level and second-level - students are asked to write 1,000 words on a topic taken from a list which will be provided. Contact the Young Business Writer Awards at Dublin City University Business School, Dublin 9 - phone (01) 704 5820. The three prizes in the second-level section are £750, £300 and £100. Third-level prizes are £1,000, £500 and £250.


Good Citizens: If they want to enter for the Citizenship Foundation Gulbenkian Youth Awards, students should get involved in a worthwhile community endeavour. Individuals or groups, including a class or youth group, may be nominated by teachers, youth and community workers, people involved in voluntary organisations etc. Awards will be made in three age groups - up to 11, 12 to 18 and 19 to 24. The aim is to reward outstanding contributions to co-operation and understanding in local communities or in the wider world. For information and application forms, which have to be sent in by Saturday, February 28th, next, write to Judy Osborne, Citizenship Foundation Gulbenkian Awards, Cronroe, Ashford, Co Wicklow - phone or fax (040) 440523.

Cabra Fair: The minitrade fair at St Declan's College, Cabra, Dublin, will be held on Sunday, December 14th. It was not held last Sunday as was reported.