A quick guide to interesting courses

A quick guide to interesting courses

Betty Ann Norton gives courses for hoarseness

Hoarseness can be your voice's way of telling you that all is not well with this most essential of instruments for those who teach or use their voices a lot. Prolonged use of the voice in an inhospitable environment, forcing the voice to an unnatural pitch or constantly speaking at an uncomfortable volume, can all cause problems. Learning to use the voice properly is an essential part of the adult foundation programme in speech training at the Betty Ann Norton theatre school. The course covers all aspects of voice and speech such as breathing correctly and articulation. It is designed to help those who use their voices a lot to cope with the demands made on them.

It will also cover using the voice with confidence and for maximum impact. The course begins in September, but it is possible for people to join in later. For more information contact (01) 475 1913 or fax (01) 475 1140.


Horticulture classes for mature students

Interest among mature students in courses in horticulture is growing all the time and there are now a number of centres and colleges around the country offering amenity horticulture qualifications. Those interested in starting a course later this year at the National Botanic Gardens in Dublin, however, would need to make their minds up quickly as application is now through the Central Admissions Office (CAO), which means lodging an application by February 1st. (Late applications may be accepted up to May 1st.) There are minimum entry requirements, but mature students may be accepted without meeting these requirements if they can demonstrate the ability to cope with the demands of the course. This may be assessed by interview. The diploma in horticulture is a three-year, full-time programme. Students split their time between the National Botanic Gardens and the Blanchardstown Institute of Technology. Those who successfully complete the course may be able to transfer to the landscape horticulture degree programme at University College Dublin. For a brochure about the course contact (01) 637 6133.

Life coaching offered by Ahern and Bruton

Is my life heading in the direction I want it to? Do I need to make choices about my career or relationships? If the answers to these questions are "no" and "yes" respectively, a weekend of life coaching, which helps people clarify their priorities and goals, might be in order. Deirdre Ahern and Marika Burton are running a life coaching weekend on February 23rd and 24th at Milltown Park, Ranelagh, Dublin. The cost is €135 and the sessions run from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. each day. For more information contact (01) 287 7891 or (087) 280 9279.

Decorative painting at The Sanctuary

If your house needs a makeover, a one-day workshop in decorative painting might provide the inspiration. The course is run in conjunction with The Sanctuary in Stanhope Green, Dublin, and it will take place on February 23rd from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. The cost, including materials, is €76. The Sanctuary offers a number of evening courses, including dance, homeopathy and stress management. Details can be checked out at or email Phone: (01) 670 5419.

Compiled by Olive Keogh