DCU is introducing a pilot scheme that will let part-time students study single modules at postgraduate level. Students will sit in on classes being taken by regular full-time students or, in the case of two of the modules, learn via the Internet.
Registrar Pat Barker says the old pattern of entering university at 18 and leaving with a postgraduate qualification at 23 is gone. Single modules will suit people who want to update their skills and find out about new thinking in a particular area as well as those who would like a taster before committing to a full-time programme.
Credits earned may be put towards a graduate diploma (60 credits) or a master's (75 credits) and are transferable to other colleges under the European Credit Transfer Scheme. Modules on offer range from 2.5 to 10 credits.
Applicants need a 2.1 or better in a primary degree or prior learning achievements. The closing date for applications is this Friday. Application forms may be obtained from the Registry, DCU (tel: (01) 700 5565).