Your education questions answered by Brian Mooney
I have recently returned to work as a second-level maths and science teacher after extended maternity leave. I had a bad experience with one particular student group before I took leave, which has shattered my confidence in my ability to deal with difficult groups.
I am coping on a day-to-day basis right now, but I would love to find a way to restore my confidence and find more effective ways to discipline my classes. As a new parent, I am interested in researching the types or styles of discipline that are effective and will not damage my own children's confidence. I find it difficult to get out at night with the children so I have limited time available. Are there some books or resources you could recommend to me?
There are a number of core books, which you could read; however I have recently come across another potential solution for you. There is a course, designed for teachers, called "Positive Behaviour Support and Discipline: A Model of Respect", which is now available online from a company called Profexcel. Taking an online course sounds as though it would suit your needs.
This course reviews the various systems of discipline and analyses each in detail. This course will help you evaluate your current practice and review what is working and what is not. A system of discipline is a personal thing that evolves over time. These courses are designed for professionals working at primary and post-primary level, and provide practical solutions for working with challenging students. The course addresses effective behavioural support policies and interventions with the aim of promoting relationships of mutual respect and enhancing the learning-teaching process. It looks at issues of discipline and behaviour support at a whole school level and also at the level of the classroom.
Having worked as a teacher all my life, I know how such an experience such as you describe can totally undermine your confidence. Discipline problems often remain hidden, out of embarrassment on the part of the teacher. Left unresolved, these difficulties lead to a huge increase in stress, which is a well-known factor in teachers leaving the profession. Stress management is one of the key topics covered in the course. Among the other topics covered are problem solving, communication skills, social skills training, anger management and conflict resolution in primary and post primary settings. Preventative strategies and approaches for encouraging a positive school environment are also covered in depth. The course costs €320 and takes 20 hours of self-paced study; you can design your own study schedule within the course dates. Your letter is timely, as this course will be offered between October 18th and November 30th. There are experienced tutors for each course and there is an active discussion board where you can share examples of best practice.
Profexcel is a web-based service providing online education for teachers and allied professionals. This company works in partnership with the Special Education Support Service of the Department of Education and Science. They have a number of courses covering topics such as dyslexia, autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, inclusion and applied behaviour analysis. The level of computer skills required is minimal. Internet access is the only requirement, and support is available by telephone during office hours. You can contact Profexcel at or phone (045) 982628 during office hours.
• Brian Mooney is president of the Institute of Guidance Counsellors. E-mail questions to