RNLI wants help in spreading word

Water Safety: Aiming to reduce the number of accidents and deaths involving young people on or near the water, the Royal National…

Water Safety: Aiming to reduce the number of accidents and deaths involving young people on or near the water, the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) will be promoting the use of its resource packs for primary and second-level schools, writes Rose Doyle.

"We also want to create an education programme with more up-to-date material," Kieran Watters Regional Education Officer, Republic of Ireland, says, and "organise school and youth club visits at which we'll give demonstrations of crew kits, videos and slides - and promote our Storm Force membership scheme for under 12s.

"To help with all of this we need volunteers to go into the schools. They should be pro-active, able to relate to a youth audience and have good communication skills."

He stresses too that volunteers don't themselves need expertise in or on the water: "I've been targeting inland schools, where improvement is needed. Coastal schools are more aware of safety needs. I'll meet with anyone who's interested to see if we can be of mutual use to one another. People who work shift hours and have time during the day might find it ideal."


Watters says he's contacted "the TUI, ASTI and INTO and been speaking to student teachers. We'll have a Youth Focus stand at the Dublin Boat Show from February 27th to March 3rd." Those interested in volunteering, or schools wanting a free visit from the RNLI, should contact Watters at (01) 284. 5050 or e-mail him on lifeboatsireland @rnli.org.uk

In the year 2000 at least 86 young people were involved in incidents on or by the sea where RNLI lifeboats and crew were involved.