A sample of the substandard.
Scoil Loch an Iúir, Co Donegal
A three-teacher school built in 1929 that requires a new building. Present classrooms are so small for the number of children that the principal teacher, Micheal Ó Fearraigh has to use the windowsill as a desk. Application was made in 1999 and an architect was appointed last year. No further progress since then.
Current status: Still waiting.
New Ross CBNS, Co Wexford
Trying to get a new school since 1973. Parents threatened strike action last spring. An independent assessor was appointed by the Department of Education to report on the schools in New Ross. This report recommends a new school to replace the CBNS, which is on three separate sites. Some of the prefabs are over 30 years old.
Current status: Still waiting.
Gaelscoil Sáirséail, Limerick
Located on a split campus in Bridge Street. One building was built in 1763. No ventilation and natural light in most rooms and every room is below the recommended size. No hall and one square yard of playground space for each pupil. Principal teacher Dónal h Ainféin is full of praise for Department officials, but states that they need at least five-year budgetary plans. Minister Noel Dempsey agrees; he hopes to finalise this with the Department of Finance next year.
Current status: Still waiting.
Cooneal NS, Ballina
This school has no staffroom, office or learning-support room. The corridor acts as a storage area. The windows, lighting and wiring are substandard, as is the school playground. A technical report was completed by the Department in 2000, but there has been no progress to date. Current status: Still waiting.