10 steps for parents

Having a daughter or son take any exam is stressful

Having a daughter or son take any exam is stressful. When it is the Junior or Leaving Cert, stress levels can increase dramatically

1 Know the exam schedule

Pin a copy of the exam timetable on the wall and circle each exam to be taken . Note the date and time of each paper so that you know when your son or daughter should be in the examination centre.

2 Ensure that your son or daughter is present for each exam


This may sound crazy but there are cases every year when students miss out on an exam especially if both parents are very busy in their working lives.

3 Draw up a check list of daily requirements, based on the day’s exams

Make a final check each morning before you leave home that your son or daughter is fully prepared for the day’s exams. Writing instruments along with the other requirements such as rulers, erasers and calculators should be checked, along with reading glasses and bottled water.

4 Don’t look in the rear-view mirror; review today’s exam and move on

Listen to your son or daughter recount their daily story. But don’t be tempted to review in detail the errors or omissions they may have made. Move on to focus on the next paper.

5 Help them to focus on the next challenge

Simple questions, such as “What is up next?” “Are there any compulsory sections?” “Are there any predictable questions?” can be very useful in helping your son or daughter, devise their study schedule for the time available before the next exam.

6 Help them maintain a well balanced daily routine

You should ensure that your son or daughter maintains a proper balance between study and rest. After an exam they need a few hours to rest and recharge.

Remember this is, on average, a two-week process and they need to be as sharp on the morning of their final paper as they are on the the first morning. Late night study sessions are not advised.

7 A good night’s sleep improves examination performance

All study should end at least an hour before bedtime to allow the brain to unwind. To assist the relaxation process breathing exercises will help slow down the body and mind can result in a refreshing nights sleep. Don’t have your son or daughter fall straight into bed from the study desk, as their mind will be buzzing for hours.

8 Make sure they eat well

What you eat and drink affects your performance in any field of activity, especially one involving mental sharpness. Ensure your son or daughter eats and drinks nutritious food during the coming weeks. Avoid junk food.

9 Let the support network help them

Students will be reassured by the help and greetings coming from siblings , relatives and friends. Let them in. They will help to maintain a student’s good spirits during the exams.

10 Do not over hype the importance of any exam

Keep a sense of perspective. Let them know you are there for them come what may.

Brian Mooney teaches at Oatlands College, Stillorgan, Dublin

Brian Mooney

Brian Mooney

Brian Mooney is a guidance counsellor and education columnist. He contributes education articles to The Irish Times