By students in  their own words

By students in  their own words

Freedom is edging closer

So everyone's stressing out 'bout next week. Try to relax and think how far youve come and how close the end is!

Im not finished until the 17th but I can't complain too much. Most of my friends are in until the 20th, doing either Applied Maths or Japanese.


Already have a party lined up for 20th. So it's going to be a great summer . . .

Who in the hell does Japanese! ?

. . . and Applied Maths . . . are your friends perhaps the founding members of Mensa?

I finish June 16th with Physics, my worst subject! Can't wait. Going to New York with my family on the 19th for a few days too . . .

Finished on the eleventh, can't wait. So close I could almost touch it! . . .

The 13th with German. My God, it's so close, but so much in the way . . .

Bonfire party being planned

Finished on the 17th - can't wait. Im having a bonfire party where my friends and I plan on burning all our books and notes while shouting death to the examinations commission! Anyone want to join?

I really hope you don't have to repeat. There may be a bit of uniform burnage as well down this end . . .

Finished on the 12th. I don't plan on burning my books as I'll need them for next year.

I was worried that the thoughts of the exams would linger in my head but Ive already forgotten about English! William who? . . .

( All quotes from discussion board on

Better than a blank page

Oh, I can smell it. I can smell the freedom.

Just three more Leaving Cert exams and I'm a free man . . . .

Had Irish Paper Two today, which I expected to be my worst so far. I was probably right. It was all very, meh. I was prepared for some aspects and managed to get a few decent points down on the page.

For others there was some serious "grade A" fertiliser coming out of my pen and on to those pages. Still, a page of manure is better than a blank page . . .

(Blogger Mark Walsh on

The higher level Irish exam paper offered a range of questions on well-learned prose, again in the drama section we were set the challenge to describe two main characters in detail for 20 marks each.

No surprises here . . . I did find myself falling asleep during the exam this morning, it appears sleep deprivation has indeed caught up with me. Currently I am preparing for the Business Exam, More happy surprises, I hope!

( Blogger Colin Lowry on