First paper too hard for weaker student or too easy for better

Junior Cert: higher level English: Paper I drew a frosty response from some teachers but others said it was a good test for …

Junior Cert: higher level English:Paper I drew a frosty response from some teachers but others said it was a good test for higher-level candidates.

Some teachers said the questions were too taxing for weaker students, while others complained that stronger students were not given a chance to display their potential.

A comprehension task about capturing the image of science on film was described as being "unusually difficult" by Philip Campion from

"It seems to be sending out a signal to the more workmanlike students that might discourage them from doing higher level," Mr Campion said.


Carol MacDonagh, an English teacher in the Dominican College Sion Hill, criticised the paper for its "limited" range of themes which, she claimed, left little opportunity for stronger candidates to show their mettle.

The media studies question featured a cartoon about global warming by Irish Times cartoonist Martyn Turner.

Teachers pointed out there was a danger of a student discussing the science of global warming rather than the cartoon itself. "It's the kind of material that's discussed in geography or CSPE," said Mr Campion. "Added to that, the cartoon is aimed at an adult audience so it may have been a bit much to expect 14- or 15-year-olds to respond to it."

Paper II was "much fairer", according to Mr Campion.