HIGHER AND ORDINARY: THERE WERE no surprises for Junior Cert students with yesterday's "predictable and student-friendly" higher…

HIGHER AND ORDINARY:THERE WERE no surprises for Junior Cert students with yesterday's "predictable and student-friendly" higher and ordinary level Spanish papers.

ASTI representative and Spanish teacher in Coláiste an Phiarsaigh, Cork, Máire Ní Chiarba said the papers covered topics students would have prepared well in class.

"I would have expected students to have scored highly in most sections of both papers. They were well laid out and covered topics that they would have had lots of practice of in from class," she said.

One particularly popular text in section B on the higher level paper was about a competition run by Magnum ice creams in Spain.


"If you get a number on your ice cream stick then you text it in to the company and you are entered into a competition to go to Latin America to see where the ice creams are made.

"A lot of students wanted to find out if it was a real competition as the closing date was the end of July and they will be holidaying there this summer," said Ní Chiarba.

She was especially pleased with the letter to a pen pal in section C of the ordinary level paper.