Try these at home

From yesterday's papers

From yesterday's papers

Leaving Cert French - higher level

- Ce n'est pas seulement en France que la lutte antitabac existe. Le ministre irlandais de la Santé a décidé, lui aussi, d'introduire des mesures antitabac séveres dans ce pays.Quels changements envisagez-vous dans notre société suite a cette decision?

It is not only in France that the fight against smoking exists. The Irish Minister for Health also decided to introduce anti-smoking measures in this country.What changes do you foresee in this country as a result of this decision?


- Bientot tout le monde parlera anglais. Á quoi bon étudier le francais?

Soon the whole world will speak English.What's the use of studying French?

Leaving Cert History - higher level

- "The term of office of Sean Lemass as Taoiseach (1959- 1966) was of pivotal importance in a period of rapid change." Discuss.

- Why was Dáil Éireann so deeply divided on the question of the Anglo-Irish Treaty (1921) and how did that division develop into Civil War?

- Discuss the involvement of the United States in European affairs between 1941, when the Americans entered World War II, and 1966.