Try this at home...

...from yesterday's papers.

...from yesterday's papers.

Junior Certificate Religious Education - Higher Level

Tick one of the following world religions you have studied: Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism.

(i) Describe the work being done today locally or nationally by a church, religious organisation, or order associated with this world religion.


(ii) Outline one way in which the work described above helps people live as a community.

(iii) Outline one way in which the work described above reflects the founding story of the world religion you have ticked.

Tick the creed or moral code listed below that is associated with your chosen world religion.

(i) The Ten Commandments, The Five Pillars, The Law of Karma, The Eightfold Path.

(ii) Outline three rules/guidelines from the creed or moral code you have ticked.

(iii) Describe two ways in which the way of life of a follower is influenced by the creed or moral code of this world religion.

Junior Certificate Religious Education - Ordinary Level

A religious moral vision can inspire people to work for justice.

(i) Outline one religious moral vision you have studied.

(ii) Explain how this religious moral vision could inspire people to work for justice.

(iii) Explain how this moral vision can be seen in the work for justice of a member, or members, of any religious organisation you have studied.