Excerpts from Junior Cert Religious Education - higher level.

Excerpts from Junior Cert Religious Education - higher level.

- Imagine you are preparing a talk about religious belief in Ireland today. Outline what you would say about each of the following points:

i. Changing patterns of religious belief in Ireland today.

ii. Challenges to religious belief in Ireland today.


- Outline the way in which leadership within a community of faith involves:

i. Authority. ii. Service.

- Examine the way in which Jesus celebrated the Last Supper as both a Passover meal and Eucharist.

- Buddhism/ Hinduism/ Islam/ Judaism:

- In the history of world religions there are key moments that shape their development.

Profile the way in which one of the above world religions has been shaped by experiencing a time of either persecution or expansion.

- Outline what libertarianism sees as the relationship between personal morality and a country's law.

- Examine how there might be conflict between the libertarian point of view and a country's law on one moral issue you have studied.