Southeast course

Unemployed people in Waterford, east Cork and south Tipperary may be interested in an innovative computer programming course …

Unemployed people in Waterford, east Cork and south Tipperary may be interested in an innovative computer programming course put together by the Waterford County VEC, the Waterford Leader Partnership and the Department of Social and Community Affairs. The course is open to anyone within this catchment area regardless of educational qualifications. Selection is by aptitude test and interview.

There has been a very good response to the course, so anyone interested should waste no time in contacting Bridget O'Brien, Waterford VEC, Computer Programme, 4 Church Street, Dungarvan, Co Waterford - phone (058) 45757, fax (058) 45758. The course will run from June until the end of December and 95 per cent of those who took part in the pilot programme got jobs.