Student Discipline: The Sixties

Students brought before the Dean of Discipline from 1956 to 1969, the eminent historian RB McDowell, were accused of quite different…

Students brought before the Dean of Discipline from 1956 to 1969, the eminent historian RB McDowell, were accused of quite different crimes and misdemeanours.

These included:

Parking a Morris Minor in Botany Bay

Smoking a cigar with a gown on


Staggering through Rotten Row in drunken song, causing a riot involving 300 students

Breaking a resident's door open with an axe, while naked

Smashing a skylight while attempting to scale a drainpipe to crash a party

Bricking up the door of the Reading Room

Harbouring a woman (including one's wife) or an animal in rooms

Putting a car on the roof of the Examination Hall

Sanctions included:

Fines of 7s 6d

Eviction from Rooms

Rustication for the Hilary Term

Taken from The Junior Dean, RB McDowell: Encounters with a Legend, edited by Anne Leonard, published by Lilliput Press