Students upbeat about music

Junior Cert music, Junior Cert Technology

Students described the music paper as fair.  Photograph: Bryan O’Brien
Students described the music paper as fair. Photograph: Bryan O’Brien

Students sang the praises of yesterday’s Junior Cert music paper, said Mary McFadden, ASTI subject representative.

“The students were upbeat about the higher level paper, It was perceived as fair. Dictation . . . is always the most challenging section but this year was as manageable as always. A question on Irish folk music was particularly interesting.” She described the ordinary level paper as “very suitable”.

The exam counted for 75 per cent of marks.

The Junior Cert higher level technology paper was well received by students and teachers. Fiona Byrne, TUI subject representative, noted an increased emphasis on analysis, with students asked for their opinion on design solutions.


The ordinary level paper was unusually challenging compared to the higher level paper, said Ms Byrne.