The Burning Question

The Burning Question: Did you take a holiday grind because of the strike?

The Burning Question: Did you take a holiday grind because of the strike?

Janet Stafford asked Christmas-time students at the Institute of Education, Dublin

Emma O'Brien

I did extra tuition more purposefully because of the strike and I've found it very useful - though I think I would have come here anyway. I do think pupils are suffering because of the teachers, especially those of us with Leaving Cert exams. It is expensive to come here, but I think it's worth it. I would feel less confident about the Leaving Cert this year, but extra lessons have helped a bit.


Elizabeth Reilly

Although I probably would have done it anyway, I don't think it should be necessary to take extra lessons. We have missed a serious amount of work because of the teachers' strike - it is us who suffer. I think the teachers could fine some other way to protest without making us suffer in our exam year.

Shane Doherty

I don't feel too annoyed about the strike and I think I would have needed to do extra classes anyway. I think teachers don't get paid enough, so they should strike. A lot of people are here because of the strike, so it is having an effect on Leaving Cert students, even if it doesn't affect me much personally.

Cormac Sheehan

I am doing extra tuition here in the largest part because of the strike. I feel completely disgusted about the strike and I think the situation has been allowed to get out of control. Who is to blame? - it's difficult. It goes 'round in a circle of blaming teachers and the Government - parents are annoyed and I resent having to pay extra.

Claire Quigley

Everything is so disorganised because of the strike and it makes us feel very insecure. Previously good relationships with teachers are suffering in our school, with bitterness all around - it's horrible. I feel angry on behalf of students who don't have money to pay for extra tuition - they're not being taught properly.