The Burning Question: How do you think you will do in your exams?

Jennifer Murphy

Jennifer Murphy

I think I should do okay. I've been doing about five hours' study a night - three in school and then a couple more when I get home. I was aiming for the late 300s or early 400s points-wise, because I wanted to do a business course, but now I want to do primary school teaching in St Pat's in Drumcondra, so I need over 400 points. From my mocks results I think I should be able to - I really hope so.

Deborah Dunne

We've been going over all our courses in class; that helps to get things into your head. I'm doing honours music and we've done our music practical already - I was singing and I was very happy. It's worth 50 per cent of the paper so it's brilliant to have it done. I hope I'll do well enough to get into Tallaght IT to do social work or tourism. I already have a place if I want to do hairdressing.


Ian Stirling

I do the supervised study in school until 7 p.m. I need 365 points to do arts in Maynooth and I think I should be able to do that. I got 340 in my mocks and I think my study is going well so far. I might like to be a teacher eventually but I also have an audition for a drama course - you have to do play excerpts and I'm nervous about that. I really love singing, acting and playing guitar.

Roseanna Doyle

I'm doing four honours and four passes and the Leaving Vocational Programme about local business in the area. I have offers for three PLC courses with a pass in my Leaving. I suffer migraine with stress so it's a great relief to have something I know I can definitely attain. I think PLCs are great because you have such choice - if I want to do a degree later I can.

Ciara Dunne

I want to do nursing, so I have to pass all my papers and get at least two C3s in honours papers. I am starting to get nervous, but I made out a study plan of all the main points I have to cover so I think I should be able to get through. I want to do the nursing lectures in Trinity and the practical in Tallaght. I read fiction books and meet up with friends to help me wind down after study.