The Burning Question: Is a college alcohol policy a good idea?

Glen Evertfen

Glen Evertfen

I drink and would go out one night a week - when I tend to drink too much. Nights out are on the spur of the moment but are curtailed by lack of money. I might lose the next day - until noon. It bothers me, but drinking is part of college life in Ireland. Sometimes it gets out of control, at our recent science ball some friends were drinking for 28 hours straight - that's pretty bad.

Linda Doran

I only drink alcohol on special occasions. Most friends go to the pub two or three times a week. I can't afford to, but even if I could, I wouldn't. Study is important to me. You cannot study well when you drink. There are a lots of fun things you can do without needing alcohol, like scuba diving or photography. It can be hard making friends if you don't drink.


Lynda Duffy

I'm big into fitness and model part-time, so although I drink at weekends, I limit it for weight reasons and to keep my face fresh. The very odd time I would go out drinking and the next day is just a write-off. I have missed lectures and practicals. An alcohol policy is good, but I do drink promotions for my work so it's hard to tell people "don't drink".

Ruairi Hackett

Drinking isn't the main focus of my social world. I go out maybe once a week and sometimes drink to get drunk. I've missed morning lectures, but it doesn't worry me too much. I stop drinking before exams. An alcohol policy is necessary because some students have problems. Socialising is based around alcohol, so more alcohol-free events would be good.

Brian Ramberg

When you start college, you've more independence so you need more common sense. I've missed the odd lecture and feel a little guilty, but pretty much all college events involve drink. The alcohol policy means that college societies can't advertise free drink, but everyone knows they have it otherwise they'd never get members.