The CAO goes on line

Students can apply to the CAO electronically using a Web-based application form on the ScoilNet schools network (www

Students can apply to the CAO electronically using a Web-based application form on the ScoilNet schools network ( The discounted fee of £15 for standard applicants must be paid in advance by bank giro.

The advantages are obvious: speed - the application is sent instantly via the Internet to the CAO in Galway; reduced fee; easy to use; reduced errors as the form will accept only valid 1999 course codes. The system also checks for common mistakes such as incorrect date of birth. The CAO acknowledges all applications by post.

To use the system, you must have a PC with Internet access. To access the system: fill out the on-line form at cao/ register.htm (this method is free of charge).

The DOS/Windows 3.x version costs £15 for one disk plus £1 for each additional disk required. Each disk can hold over 50 applications.


The Windows 95 disk version costs £40. This version is supplied as part of the Qualifax courses software package. Each disk can hold over 100 applications.

Free phone support and training is available (by appointment only, on a first-come first-served basis) from the National Centre for Technology in Education (NCTE) at their offices in DCU. Phone NCTE at (01) 704 8207 or email at