The Minister's in-tray

10 challenges facing Michael Woods:

10 challenges facing Michael Woods:

1. Following Micheal Martin - Never has a Minister for Education had such praise ringing in his ears upon leaving the Department. Woods has a very hard act to follow.

2. Dealing with the unions - The ASTI and the TUI are on the brink of balloting their members for industrial action over pay and what some call "performance-related " pay. If that happens, Woods may face his first crisis.

3. Complacency - We constantly congratulate ourselves on our wonderful education system, despite our poor literacy levels. This complacency may block progress in the future. Martin has warned that there are still serious problems to overcome. Woods agrees there is no room for complacency.


4. Literacy - There has been almost no improvement in poor primary literacy levels in almost 20 years. Woods is now responsible for a new programme to eliminate the problem.

5. Lifelong learning - The economy needs adults to constantly update their skills, but there are still many barriers to this - expensive fees, lack of childcare, little spare time, inflexible courses. Woods needs to overcome these.

6. Accountability - The Government is committed to getting more accountability from teachers. But one of the ideas to do this - whole-school evaluation - has yet to be introduced to all schools and legislation for a Teaching Council has to be piloted through the Dail.

7. Disadvantage - Disadvantage continues at all levels and to tackle it will mean upsetting several vested interests. Woods will have to make a move on the Points Commission recommendation that 5 per cent of third-level places be reserved for disadvantaged students.

8. Demographics - The number of young people is expected to fall sharply over the next few years. This will have implications for the whole system. School amalgamations will take place and some third-level colleges may find it difficult to recruit the required numbers.

9. League tables - The Department is taking a High Court action against the Information Commissioner over his decision to allow newspapers access to school exam results. If the Department loses it will be costly and embarrassing.

10. Early school leaving - A persistent problem that no Minister has come close to solving yet. Various strategies need to be undertaken to make inroads in this area.