Training minds to up performance

Psychologist to the Irish Olympic Team 2000 Felicity Heathcote has written a book on training and stimulating the mind to learn…

Psychologist to the Irish Olympic Team 2000 Felicity Heathcote has written a book on training and stimulating the mind to learn efficiently and perform effectively. Starting with the premise that education and learning is a process which goes on from childhood right to old age, Heathcote, in The Learning Zone - maximise your potential, looks at relaxed concentration, focused energy and self-esteem as ways of helping "anyone who is attempting to do something better than they have ever done it before . . . in a more creative fashion." The book, she says, "is intended for those of all ages who are in the education system - teachers and students alike . . ."

Practical as well as ideological, it has a breathing programme adapted for children aged 8 to 14, advice on how to keep focused on study and examinations and ways of developing a sense of harmony. Heathcote is a clinical psychologist and has used an adapted form of Zen meditation to help individuals achieve a state of optimum functioning for body and mind. Published by Wolfhound Press the book costs £7.99.