Under-age drinking is increasing - teachers

Many parents have a defeatist attitude to the use of the drug alcohol by their children

Many parents have a defeatist attitude to the use of the drug alcohol by their children. Alcohol abuse is such an intrinsic part of Irish social life that drinking to get completely blotto is almost accepted. Teachers often see the hangovers but, interestingly, they really don't see the prevention of alcohol abuse as their responsibility. They might teach about sexuality and relationships - but alcohol? Forget it!

According to an independent survey conducted by Aoife Brinkley, in association with the Teachers Union of Ireland (TUI) and with the support of the Cider Industry Council, 82.5 per cent of teachers believe that parents are responsible for tackling the problem, while only 2.2 per cent believe that the responsibility lies with teachers. Eight out of 10 teachers regard under-age drinking as a very serious issue and more than 90 per cent feel that the situation has worsened in the last five years. The majority (61 per cent) of teachers would like to receive in-service training on alcohol education. Teachers, who are ideally placed to witness how teenagers interact, observe that young people have a tendency to drink due to peer pressure. While this isn't an original observation, it does seem to support the notion that young people need help in developing high self-esteem and decision-making skills. Shouldn't this be part of a well-rounded education?