Up to standard?

How many of our schools are inspected a year?

How many of our schools are inspected a year?

Primary level

According to the Department of Education 326 schools were inspected in 2001/2002. This involved inspecting the work of 1,615 teachers out of a primary teaching force of 21,850.

The inspectorate also inspected and monitored the work of 1,082 newly-qualified probationary teachers.


Second level

243 inspections were undertaken at second-level schools in 2001/2002. The work of 525 teachers was insepcted. This was out of a total second-level teaching force of 21,101.

Inspections took place in all types of second-level schools. There were 129 in voluntary secondary schools, where ASTI teachers teach, 33 in community and comprehensive schools and 69 at vocational schools.