Efforts to stop 'gravy train' fail

EU: EU lawmakers once again rejected efforts to clean up the European Parliament's image as a "gravy train" when they dismissed…

EU: EU lawmakers once again rejected efforts to clean up the European Parliament's image as a "gravy train" when they dismissed plans to punish members who abuse the assembly's generous allowance system. In signing off the discharge of parliament's 2003 budget, legislators yesterday rejected amendments that would have forced members to publish expense accounts on the internet and face fines if they abused the system.

An amendment tabled by the Liberal Democrat group proposed "sanctions that might be applied against any member found not to be adhering to the rules relating to use of parliamentary allowances". They also called for the naming and suspension of lawmakers found guilty of abusing the system.

Parliament officials saidBritish and Nordic lawmakers had supported the reforms proposalsbut were outvoted three-to-two by French and east European members. - (Reuters)