Eight inquests open into gun deaths under Garda inquiry

EIGHT INQUESTS into violent gun deaths being investigated by an Garda Síochána opened at a coroner's court yesterday.

EIGHT INQUESTS into violent gun deaths being investigated by an Garda Síochána opened at a coroner's court yesterday.

The inquests included that of apprentice plumber Anthony Campbell (20) who was shot dead as he worked at a house in Finglas, Dublin.

The target of the attack was Martin "Marlo" Hyland (39), who was also killed. Campbell was working at the house in Scribblestown Park, Finglas, on December 12th, 2006, the day the shootings took place.

Dublin county coroner Kieran Geraghty granted an application by Det Insp Colm Fox of Blanchardstown Garda station under section 25.1 of the Coroner's Act for 12-month adjournment of the inquest into the death of Mr Campbell, due to ongoing Garda inquiries.


He granted Insp Fox 12-month adjournments of a further six inquests into the fatal shootings of Kevin Ledwidge, Joseph Rafferty, Lee Kinsella, Bernard Sugg, Paul Cunningham and Andrew Glennon and the stabbing of Robert Kwiatowski in April 2006.

Meanwhile, Dr Geraghty granted Det Insp Tom O'Connor of Tallaght Garda station adjournments of inquests into the fatal stabbing of Barry Maguire in the early hours of last St Stephen's Day and in the case of Gavin Byrne (30), who was shot dead as he sat in a car at a housing estate in Firhouse, near Tallaght, in November 2005, again due to ongoing investigations.

All of the inquests have been adjourned for 12 months until October 2009 under section 25.1 of the Coroner's Act 1962.