Elections: long road from invasion to voting

IRAQ: March 2003: US-led forces launch a war in Iraq after President Saddam Hussein refuses an ultimatum by President George…

IRAQ: March 2003: US-led forces launch a war in Iraq after President Saddam Hussein refuses an ultimatum by President George W. Bush to step down. Iraqi cities are bombed as British forces invade from the south of the country.

April 9th: US forces sweep into Baghdad as Saddam Hussein's 24-year rule crumbles into chaos and looting.

May 1st: President Bush declares major combat in Iraq over.

May 12: Paul Bremer becomes head of US-led Coalition Provisional Authority ruling Iraq. He swiftly dissolves Iraqi army, security agencies and defence and information ministries.


July 13th: A 25-member US-backed Iraqi Governing Council holds its inaugural meeting in Baghdad.

July 22nd: US military confirms that Saddam's two sons, Uday and Qusay, were killed in a gun battle in Mosul.

Aug 19th: - Truck bomb at UN headquarters in Baghdad kills 22, including UN envoy Sergio Vieira de Mello.

Aug 29th: Car-bomb in Najaf kills more than 80, including Shia faction leader Ayatollah Mohammed Baqer al-Hakim.

Dec 13th: - US troops capture Saddam near his home town, Tikrit.

Jan 15th, 2004: Banknotes printed with Saddam's face cease to be legal tender.

March 2nd: Bomb and mortar attacks near mosques in Baghdad and Kerbala kill at least 171 people as Shias mark Ashura.

March 8th: Iraqi Governing Council signs interim constitution.

March 31st: Four US private security guards are killed and their bodies are mutilated by crowds in Sunni city of Falluja.

April 4th/5th: US Marines begin big assault on Sunni insurgents in Falluja. Uprising by militiamen loyal to Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr begins in Baghdad and southern Iraq.

May 17th: Suicide car-bomb kills head of the Iraqi Governing Council, a Shia known as Izzedin Salim.

June 1st: Iraqi Governing Council is dissolved to make way for interim government led by Iyad Allawi. Ghazi al-Yawar is appointed president.

June 28th: The United States formally returns sovereignty to Allawi's interim government two days earlier than expected. The Coalition Provisional Authority is dissolved. Bremer leaves Iraq.

July 1st: Iraqi tribunal informs Saddam and 11 senior associates that they will be charged with crimes against humanity.

Aug 18th: Conference of Iraqi political and religious leaders selects 100-member interim National Assembly to oversee the government and prepare for elections in January 2005.

Aug 26th: Top Shia cleric Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani strikes a deal with Moqtadr al-Sadr to end uprising by al-Sadr's militiamen in Najaf.

Oct 1st: US-led forces storm rebel stronghold of Samarra.

Nov 7th: Interim government declares state of emergency for 60 days.

Nov 8th: US troops launch full-scale offensive on Falluja. A week later, the US military says that it controls the entire city after killing 1,600 insurgents and capturing 1,052.

Nov 20: Iraq's main creditors in the so-called Paris Club of wealthy nations agree to cancel 80 per cent of Baghdad's debt to them.

Dec 6th: Main Shia political parties set up United Iraqi Alliance to fight elections.

Jan 30th: Elections to choose a 275-member National Assembly, charged with drafting permanent constitution. - (Reuters)