The damaged Irish Rail train

Wednesday’s 5.25pm train made its destination at 1.10am – our captive reporter gamely grinned and bore it

Why does not having a phone seem like we are making a choice to have our child singled out, or left out? Photograph: istock

Give Up Yer Aul Screens: She’s the only phone-free child in class – on holidays, that’s fine

Six-ingredient supper: You can throw everything in this just don’t call it sludge

Dr Jacinta Wright: noted authority on the 19th-century French writer George Sand and an enthusiastic Francophile

An Appreciation

Liz Yeates, who has had breast cancer and is now well: ‘Early detection is everything when it comes to treating cancer.’ Photograph: Dave Meehan

When you are diagnosed with a medical condition such as breast cancer, you need clear, reliable information and advice from people(...)

Cafe de las Sonrisas (Cafe of Smiles) in central Granada, Nicaragua. Photograph: Deirdre Veldon

The situation for people with disabilities in Nicaragua is unbelievably difficult. But one businessman is making a difference to t(...)

Women work the conveyor belt at a Nicaragua coffee processing co-operative, picking out unsuitable beans so the coffee can command a higher price. Photograph: Brenda Fitzsimons

Disease is shaking up industry that accounts for almost half of Nicaragua’s exports

Helping hand: a Sandinista picks coffee with a farm worker in 1986. Photograph: Cindy Karp/Time & Life Pictures/Getty

Nicaragua’s Sandinista revolution became a liberal cause celebre in the 1980s. When a plea came for international volunteers to pi(...)

Yuletide blitz on the Boyne
  • People
  • December 8, 2012, 00:00

Drogheda and its folk will be throwing the mother of all Christmas parties this weekend

A new report has highlighted concerns over baby feeding and nutrition in Ireland

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