Malcolm Macarthur arrives at the Four Courts charged with the murders of Bridie Gargan and Dónal  Dunne. Photograph: The Irish Times

Malcolm Macarthur’s crimes in 1982 almost toppled Charles Haughey’s government

A report by the committee on urban regeneration estimated there could be 137,000 vacant units in the State. Photograph: iStock

Government figures, including Taoiseach, have queried the extent of vacancy in the State

Mark Rutte is the closest thing Dutch politics has to a Bertie Ahern figure. Photograph: Niall Carson/PA

Inside Politics: Dutch prime minister and senior US democrat arrive in Ireland

Taoiseach Micheál Martin hosted the Mark Rutte at Farmleigh House on Monday. Photograph: Niall Carson/PA Wire

Martin says unilateralist position adopted by UK government ‘simply does not work’

The committee’s report will recommend that Revenue be asked to collect the money raised from the derelict site levy and the vacant site tax as only a small fraction of that owed is being collected. File photograph: Getty

Committee indicates tax could be applied to as many as 137,000 properties countrywide

Green Party leader Eamon Ryan. Photograph: Brian Lawless/PA Wire

Green Party is divided on issue, which could lead to members voting against Government

Green Party leader Eamon Ryan  said “They have strong views and they are entitled to that, but we manage it in our way”. File photograph: Alan Betson / The Irish Times

Minister plays down suggestions the Government had been weakened

There was recognition in the party that the National Maternity Hospital issue is particularly sensitive for Neasa Hourigan and Patrick Costello. File photograph: PA

Neither Hourigan nor Costello in favour of Coalition that was formed in summer 2020

Capel Street, Dublin: The law was introduced last year when  Garda said temporary outdoor areas for eating and drinking were not covered by the licensing laws. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill

McEntee seeks extension to help support the hospitality sector recover from pandemic

Figures published by the Central Statistics Office  on Thursday show the annual rate of inflation rose to 7 per cent in April as a result of price hikes in the energy, fuel and grocery sectors. Photograph: iStocl

Talks to take place to progress Ictu’s claims for higher pay in response to inflation

 Boris Johnson  speaks with Team England track and field team leader Kelly Sotherton  during a visit to the Alexander Stadium in Birmingham on Thursday. Photograph: Oli Scarff/Pool/AFP via Getty Images

Martin says ‘unilateralism flies in face’ of approach that delivered peace process

Taoiseach Michál Martin: ‘The DUP were straight up. They said that they wanted the protocol resolved before they went into the Executive.’ File photograph: Collins

Donaldson not ‘resisting naming ministers’ for Executive because O’Neill to have top post

A model of the new National Maternity Hospital on the St Vincent’s campus. Photograph: Gareth Chaney/Collins

Two Cabinet members who raised concerns defended project over the weekend

Minister for Foreign Affairs Simon Coveney: ‘The balance between the nationalist vote and the unionist vote hasn’t changed hugely.’ Photograph: Colin Keegan

Minister counters Sinn Féin claims election result brings Border poll much closer

Heather Humphreys: she said the current location of the NMH at Holles Street had gone past its sell-by-date, and it was important to ‘move this on now as quickly as we can’.  Photograph: Getty Images

Naughton says there will be ‘clear protections’ to ensure new NMH has complete operational and clinical independence

Minister Heather Humphreys, Tánaiste Leo Varadkar and Anne-Marie Feighery from Feighery Farm’s Beetroot Juice at the Fine Gael agricultural and rural development conference in Tullamore, Co Offaly. Photograph: Douglas O’Connor

Tánaiste tells conference it is incumbent on society to make sure we have farmers with better and more stable incomes

A model of the new National Maternity Hospital on the St Vincent’s campus.  Photograph: Gareth Chaney/Collins

Minister for Social Protection was one of the Ministers who expressed concern with plan

Dr Peter Boylan. Photograph: Colin Keegan/Collins

Possible extra Oireachtas committee meeting on Thursday may feature Peter Boylan

The Minister insisted that there were no hidden agendas or motives behind St Vincent’s Hospital’s decision to grant a long-term lease rather than outright ownership of the land to the State. Photograph: Alan Betson

‘No guarantee’ that CPO would succeed with 300 year lease, says Donnelly

The Taoiseach told Fianna Fáil TDs and Senators that ‘the  Vatican would be nowhere near’ the new National Maternity Hospital when it moves  to a site on the St Vincent’s Hospital campus at Elm Park in Dublin 4. Photograph: Nick Bradshaw

Amid concern over Catholic ethos at hospital, Minister says nuns now ‘off the pitch’

Minister for Higher Education Simon Harris. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill

Student contributions, currently capped at €3,000 per year, set to be gradually reduced

The Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile has been invoked in a Russian broadcast simulating attacks on the ‘British Isles’. Photograph: Roscosmos Space Agency Press Service via AP

‘I think it reflects a mindset that is worrying and not in touch with reality,’ says Martin

The National Maternity Hospital is due to relocate to the St Vincent’s hospital campus.

Minister for Health indicates best course of action to allow all to see details of arrangements

‘It is really overstating it saying it (the number of annual deaths) is 3,000,” says Dr Colm Byrne. Photograph: Getty Images

Issue a concern but ‘we need to have accuracy about the figures,” said Dr Colm Byrne

In a letter to an Oireachtas committee this month, the Minister for Housing disclosed that a proposed Bill to make it more difficult to take judicial review cases in the High Court was not now proceeding but would be subsumed into the wider review being conducted by the Attorney General

Move part of wider reform of legal aspect of planning process being led by AG

Eamon Ryan, Minister for the Environment, at the Global Ireland Summit: His   plans to ban the sale of turf are proving controversial. Photograph: Alan Betson

Opposition proposal also sought to reduce the cost of home heating fuels

Nobody knows exactly how much turf is extracted on Irish bogs every year and where it goes. Photograph: iStock

Nobody in Coalition parties is under any illusion that Ryan’s proposals a dealbreaker

A community hub for refugees in south Dublin. Minister for Housing Darragh O’Brien brought a memo to Cabinet  outlining plans to provide longer-term accommodation of refugees from Ukraine. Photograph: Nick Bradshaw/The Irish Times

Each council could be mandated to develop a significant housing centre in their area

Minister for Housing Darragh O’Brien brought a memo to Cabinet outlining plans to provide longer-term accommodation for Ukrainian refugees. Photograph: Alan Betson

Government plans response to ‘unprecedented demographic crisis’

Dr Oliver Kinnane told the Oireachtas Committee on the Environment and Climate Action that the actual performance of some of the retrofits did not live up to the NZEB rating. Photograph: iStock

Findings could mean homes would have to be retrofitted again after 10 years, researchers say

Taoiseach Micheál Martin said  it was important to protect people’s rights in rural Ireland when it came to turf.

Robust meeting with Green Party leader calms risk of Coalition rift

‘He has shown real leadership on Covid and on Ukraine. He is not afraid of the tough and long-term decisions and won’t go down the populist route.’ Photograph: Getty Images

Views divided on whether Martin would lead Fianna Fáil into the next general election

Eamon  Ryan indicated that those with turbary rights (the right to cut their own banks of turf for domestic use but not to sell it) would be unaffected, but all commercial sales of turf would be banned.   Photograph: Getty Images

Some TDs in constituencies with significant tracts of bog say they have been ‘inundated’ with concerns and complaints

Joe McKeown, president of the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation is applauded by central executive members and delegates at the union’s annual congress in Killarney. Photograph Moya Nolan

INTO seeks ‘substantial pay uplifts’ as it warns of need to ensure ‘industrial harmony’

Stephen Donnelly: he said there were costs associated with delays and additional costs in relation to the integration and transfer of the services of  three children’s hospitals to the new sites.   Photograph: Nick Bradshaw

War in Ukraine, Brexit, the pandemic and disruption to the global supply chain could all be factors in pushing up costs

Robert Watt told TCD’s Linda Doyle the €2 million per annum funding would be administered through the Health Research Board. Since the controversy came to light, the board has said it knew nothing about this arrangement.  Photograph:  Colin Keegan

Serious questions cloud secretary general’s unusual decision to spend lots of State money

 Robert Watt, secretary general of the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform: It is hard to make sense of his claim around ‘competitive funding’ or any notion of competition, given he already promised TCD €2 million each year. Photograph: Collins Photos

Secretary general Robert Watt “ring-fenced” €2 million per annum to TCD to support Holohan’s new role

The row over Eamon Ryan’s decision to ban the commercial sale of turf runs along the same division lines as just about every other dispute the Greens have been involved in over the past 20 years. Photograph: Getty Images

Decision to ban the commercial sale of turf is portrayed as an attack on rural Ireland and its way of life by middle-class city ty(...)

Secretary general at the Department of Health Robert Watt: Senior Government sources say his decision to offer €2 million a year to TCD without reference to others, plus the fact the HRB was not informed, would be a focus of the review. Photograph:  Gareth Chaney/Collins

Deal linked to Tony Holohan’s secondment leaves serious questions, Pearse Doherty says

Michael McGrath: ‘The HRA hours have been in place for almost nine years now, and the Government is appreciative of the contributions made by all public servants throughout this time.’ Photograph: Nick Bradshaw

Public service workers in certain grades will no longer have to work extra hours stipulated by the Haddington Road Agreement

Robert Watt makes no apology for his part in the Holohan TCD secondment process. File photograph: Collins

Mandarin defends decision not to tell Minister that Holohan would retain €187,000 salary

aoiseach Micheal Martin after a Cabinet meeting at Dublin Castle. Photograph: Alan Betson

Most Ukrainians will go to dormitory-style facilities as other options exhausted, Taoiseach tells colleagues

It is estimated that some 8,000 homes are currently in Fair Deal. Photograph: iStock

Nursing home residents to pay State 40% of income from renting out home instead of 80%

Dáil chamber: change constitutes an increase of a minimum of nine seats on the current Dáil which has 160 TDs. Photograph: Alan Betson

Proposal approved for seat range between 169 and 179 to reflect population growth

Minister for Environment and Climate Eamon Ryan set out a robust defence of his decision to ban the sale of turf from next September. Photograph: Alan Betson

Policy change provokes strong opposition in the west and midlands

Minister for Environment Eamon Ryan and Minister for Finance Paschal Donohoe  after a Cabinet meeting at Dublin Castle. Photograph: Alan Betson

Reduction of 4.5% in VAT will offset scheduled increase in carbon tax, Donohoe says

The NESC report  has called for increased investment in infrastructure, including the all-island energy network. Photograph: Getty Images

NESC finds there is significant support for an all-island approach to the big economic, social, environmental and wellbeing questi(...)

Tánaiste Leo Varadkar told reporters on Tuesday that any move to alleviate cost increases based on borrowing now might require additional taxation in the future. File photograph: Dominic McGrath/PA Wire

Additional measures on inflation set to be approved by Cabinet

Taoiseach Micheál Martin pictured at the launch of a new report from the National Economic and Social Council - Shared Island: Shared Opportunity – at  Dublin Castle on Tuesday.

‘There can be no connection between advertising sponsorship and editorial control’ he says

Leo Varadkar: ‘What we want to avoid is the fool’s paradise of using borrowed money to help people with the cost of living.’ Photograph:  Damien Storan/PA Wire

Temporary VAT reduction planned on gas and electricity but not on car fuel or heating oil

‘ I find the entire situation that we are in regrettable,’ Taoiseach Micheal Martin said. Photograph: Gareth Chaney/ Collins Photos

‘There should have been more transparency about this from the outset,’ Martin says

Robert Watt’s report to Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly is due to be  considered by the Government. File photograph: The Irish Times

State chief medical officer would have continued to get department salary of €187,000

‘Research undertaken by the Environmental Protection Agency also demonstrates that the contribution of peat to air pollution levels is significant,’ said the Minister for the Environment and Climate Action Eamon Ryan. File photograph: Getty

Opposition TD claims move by Ryan will hit families producing non-commercially

Prof Holohan’s salary will be in excess of regular pay scales for academic professors at the university. File photograph: Julien Behal

CMO also reveals own role in development of his new academic job

Volodymyr Zelenskiy’s address to a joint sitting of the Oireachtas was the first given by the leader of a country under attack by another country, with parts of its territory under occupation. Photograph: Oireachtas TV/PA

Inside Politics: Ukrainian leader’s speech to Oireachtas was unadorned and powerful

Dr Tony Holohan: ‘It is important that my successor feels fully empowered and enabled to undertake the role as they see fit.’ Photograph: Colin Keegan/Collins Dublin

Donnelly was only made aware on Tuesday that Holohan’s TCD post was a secondment

Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy addresses Australian federal parliament via video link on March 31st, 2022 in Canberra, Australia. Photograph: Martin Ollman/Getty Images

Inside Politics: Ukrainian president will be 22nd person to address joint sitting of Houses

Minister for Foreign Affairs and Defence Simon Coveney attended a commissioning ceremony of the 97th Cadet Class and 11th Potential Officers Class at Collins Barracks in  Dublin on Tuesday. Photograph: Tom Honan

Minister says he would like to have seen latest sanctions mooted for Russia go further

Volodymyr Zelenskiy speaks via a video link to the Romanian parliament in Bucharest on Monday. The Ukrainian president is due to address the Joint Houses of the Oireachtas on Wednesday. Photograph: EPA

Inside Politics: Modest proposal to increase carbon tax cuts little ice with Opposition or public

A spokeswoman for Minister for the Environment Eamon Ryan pointed out on Monday that the carbon tax increases due at the end of April on home heating would amount to rises of no more than €1.40 a month on a gas bill and €1.50 a month on home heating oil. Photograph: iStockPhoto

Political fallout from move could be very damaging to Coalition, say senior figures

The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland has responsibility for the new €8 billion package announced in February to improve insulation standards in Irish homes.  Photograph: Alan Betson

SEAI to outline challenge of getting half million Irish homes to B2 standard by 2030

Taoiseach Micheál Martin: ‘Every conceivable pressure’ has to be put on Russia to stop the war. Photograph:  Niall Carson/PA Wire

Government to back fifth EU sanctions package as Zelenskiy accuses Russia of war crimes –

Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelenskiy (centre) in Bucha, northwest of Kyiv: ‘We know thousands of people have been killed and tortured with extremities cut off, women raped, children murdered.’ Photograph:  Ronaldo Schemidt/AFP

Russia denies atrocities and accuses Kyiv of staging images of dead civilians

Russian ambassador Yuriy Filatov was invited to attend Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy’s address to the joint Houses of the Oireachtas

Yuriy Filatov was invited to Oireachtas sitting on Wednesday morning

An independent community law centre and charity, developed this series of simple infographics, tailored for schools and community organisations. Illustration: Eoin Whelehan

Research project finds marginalised groups are being ignored and seeks to engage them

 Ivana Bacik’s mother Rina Bacik congratulates her daughter after she was confirmed as new Labour Party leader. Photograph: Gareth Chaney/Collins Photos

New party leader’s challenge is formidable and winning more seats will be her acid test, writes Harry McGee

Micheál Martin will attend the summit having completed Covid isolation in Washtington. Photograph: Alan Betson

Leaders gather to discuss next steps in response to ongoing war in Ukraine

 Climate risks such as flooding have the potential to pose uneven impacts, a new report has found. File photograph: Alan Betson/The Irish Times

Landmark study says such groups tend to be excluded from debates despite bearing brunt of impacts

Minister for the Gaeltacht Jack Chambers has approved €400,000 each year over the next three years for the initiative. Photograph: iStock

Initiative will allow disadvantaged students to experience Gaeltacht life

Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelenskiy addressing members of Congress virtually at the US Capitol in Washington DC last week. Photograph: Sarah Silbiger/Reuters/Bloomberg

Agreement reached between Irish and Ukrainian officials for proposed date, sources say

A net fall in income could materialise in the region of 2 per cent, or €1,300 per annum for a household. Photograph: iStock

Inside Politics: Inflation in Irish economy expected to surge to 8.5%, highest since 1980s

Eirgrid’s chief executive told an Oireachtas committee that wind farms on the east and southeast coast were already being developed or were in the planning phase. Photograph: iStock

Target would bring State close to 80% renewables mark contained in action plan

Senator Regina Doherty was one of a number of Fine Gael TDs and Senators who posted comments on social media following a heated exchange between Pearse Doherty and Taoiseach Micheál Martin in the Dáil on February 1st.  Photograph Nick Bradshaw / The Irish Times

Regina Doherty said she was retracting claim that Pearse Doherty encouraged others to break the law

Even the Taoiseach’s detractors would feel sorry for him, with Martin appearing at the White House only as an image on a television screen. Photograph: Al Drago/Bloomberg

Inside Politics: When it looked like sunshine was breaking through, another crisis hit

Roderic O’Gorman supplied figures that show there were 6,273 asylum seekers in the system last month, a 4.5 per cent increase over the total (6,004) at the end of 2020. Photograph: Gareth Chaney/Collins

Arrival of Ukrainian refugees could affect State’s plan to end accommodation system

Sinn Féin’s Claire Kerrane: ‘We are now in a very, very, very different situation in relation to the conflict that’s there in Ukraine.’ Photograph: Dara MacDónaill/The Irish Times

Martin alleges party deleted material from website to avoid review of position on Russia

Raising of Ukrainian flag at Fingal County Hall Mayor watched by Ivan and Maria Matvichuk who arrived from Nikolaev, Ukraine on Saturday. Photograph: Tom Honan for The Irish Times.

One third of new arrivals are being accommodated in hotels

People from Ukraine wait to board buses that will take them to nearby Przemysl shortly after their arrival in Poland at the Medyka border crossing on March 4th. Photograph: Sean Gallup/Getty

Need for a constant but small ‘speedy presence there on the ground’, says Cathal Berry

Petrol pump politics have returned as a central feature in domestic political discourse over the past 18 months as energy prices have risen. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill

A relatively modern phenomenon in Ireland – petrol pump politics – has kicked in

Taoiseach Micheál Martin said EU countries close to Russia are concerned about where Russian president Vladimir Putin might go after Ukraine.

Leaders likely to discuss additional security co-operation at formal summit in Brussels

Micheal Martin  at the Palace of Versailles where he acknowledged that there is no end in sight to a war that is having a profound impact on the wider continent. Photograph:  Ludovic Marin / AFP via Getty Images

Bloc must act at time that world is becoming more polarised, argues Taoiseach in France

Minister for Finance Paschal Donohoe Photograph: Niall Carson/PA Wire

Minister for Finance says pace of growth will slow following outbreak of war in Ukraine

France’s President Emmanuel Macron greets  Micheál Martin  at the Palace of Versailles on Thursday. Photograph:  Ludovic Marin / AFP via Getty Images

‘Ukrainian crisis has really changed the world order’ says Micheál Martin at summit

Fuel prices displayed at a Circle K service station on Glasnevin Avenue in Dublin. A  cut in the excise duty on fuel has been announced by the  Government.  Photograph:  Brian Lawless/PA

Dáil votes for excise duty cut but Opposition TDs say reductions are not enough

Taoiseach Micheal Martin said the bombing by Russia of a maternity hospital was shocking. Photograp: Brian Lawless/PA Wire

Martin says Government wished to cut fuel prices more but was constrained by EU laws

Angus Robertson is cabinet secretary for the constitution, external affairs and culture and was formerly leader of the Scottish National Party (SNP) group of MPs in Westminster.  File photograph: Andrew Milligan/PA Wire

Angus Robertson says independent Scotland would remain a member of Nato after departing UK

Minister for Justice Helen McEntee secured approval from Cabinet colleagues on Tuesday to seek the necessary backing from the Oireachtas to extend the list of EU crimes to include hate crime and hate speech. Photograph: Alan Betson

Nine month stay sought on SF Bill on sums collected by schools in voluntary contributions

Minister for Children Roderic O’Gorman said about 2,200 Ukrainians have arrived in Ireland so, about two-thirds of whom are living with relatives or family members. Photograph: Gareth Chaney/Collins

State obliged to accommodate at least 40,000 as some two million have now fled Ukraine

Taoiseach Micheál Martin’s comments come ahead of a meeting of European leaders next week. Photograph: Alan Betson

Micheál Martin says discussions around Ireland and Nato are ‘for another day’

People fleeing Ukraine to Poland by train on Friday. If the war continues, Ireland will be expected to host 2 per cent of those forced to leave the country. Photograph: Martin Divisek/EPA

Those who have arrived to date have generally had family or other connections here

Taoiseach Micheál Martin and Mya and Zara Akinsowon, both aged 8 from Baldoyle, Co Dublin, at Government Buildings where details of the Census on April 3rd were revealed. Photograph: Brian Lawless/PA Wire

Two million forms will be distributed to Irish households to be filled out on April 3rd

Taoiseach Micheál Martin expects ‘high numbers’ of refugees from Ukraine to come to Ireland. Photograph: Alan Betson/The Irish Times

Taoiseach says the ‘continuing barbaric attack’ on people of Ukraine is ‘shocking’

Alan Kelly resigning his position as Labour Party leader  at Leinster House on Wednesday evening. Photograph: Alan Betson

Leader nicknamed ‘AK-47’ took no prisoners and bristled with unconcealed ambition

Minister for Justice Helen McEntee has promised to legislate for the review’s major findings by the end of 2022. File photo.

Cabinet approves 300-page review brought to Government by Minister for Justice

Minister for Justice Helen McEntee received Cabinet approval for the report into Ireland’s defamation laws on Tuesday. Photograph: Alan Betson

Stratospheric sums in damages have been awarded in Irish courts

Taoiseach Micheál Martin: ‘I can understand the anger of people, and of our public representatives towards Russia and towards Russian representatives in Ireland.’ Photograph: Niall Carson/PA Wire

Cutting diplomatic ties ‘always the last resort’ in conflict situations, says Martin

Ukrainian  tanks moving towards the front line with Russian forces in the Lugansk region of Ukraine. Photograph:  Anatolii Stepanov/AFP via Getty Images

Saying you are always opposed to a military response in all circumstances is a difficult argument to make

People take shelter in Vokzalna metro station in Kyiv on the morning of February 24th, 2022. Photograph: Daniel Leal/ AFP via Getty Images

Russia’s attack on Ukraine ‘immoral and outrageous’, says Taoiseach

The independence monument on Maidan Square and Hotel Ukraine  in Kyiv. Photograph:  Pierre Crom/Getty

Inside Politics: Widespread condemnation of Russian aggression in Dáil exchanges

Of 60,000 votes cast, a little over 1,000 were postal votes, an increase of about 300 compared to the previous general poll in 2016.

Investigation revolves around postal votes cast in constituency at 2020 general election

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