Maud de Boer-Buquicchio, former UN special rapporteur, tells Oireachtas committee it must ensure women in poorer countries are not exploited. Photograph: iStock

Payment beyond cost of pregnancy could lead to exploitation, committee told

The ‘quick reference’ guide advises GPs to ask ‘gentle, probing’ questions about, for example, how things are at home.  Photograph: iStock

Minister signals Government prepared to respond on domestic brutality and abuse

‘I felt shame . . . I didn’t pick them, they picked me. They’re the predators.’ File photograph: Getty

Hard-hitting report reveals nearly 50,000 have lived with dependency and brutality

Minister for Children and Equality Roderic O’Gorman (centre) meets  Jayne Ozanne, director of the Ozanne Foundation, and Alan Edge, of LGBT Ireland at the launch of LGBT Ireland’s Ban Conversion Therapy campaign. Photograpah Marc O’Sullivan

O’Gorman promises legislation banning ‘cruel’ practice will leave no one behind

Dr Niall Muldoon received 2,012 complaints at  the Ombudsman for Children’s Office last year – a ‘significant rise’ of 79 per cent on the 1,187 in 2020. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill

Report highlights complaints about foster carers’ fight to get therapeutic supports

Mary Gaw (right) with her adult children Tara and Harry: They ‘loved respite, absolutely loved it’, says Ms Gaw.  Photograph: Nick Bradshaw

Residential respite facility in Loughlinstown shut to families in Dublin southeast area

More than 130 unaccompanied minors have arrived from Ukraine since the start of the war in mid-February  Photograph: Chris Maddaloni

Charities and volunteers should work with Tusla to ensure minors protected – UNHCR

An inquest must be held where a death may have occurred in a violent or unnatural way, in sudden or unknown circumstance

IHREC warns of serious shortcomings in coronial process during time of trauma and stress

The areas with the greatest concentration of HAP households were Tallaght central and Drogheda urban. Photograph: iStock

Dublin’s north inner city had highest number of HAP-dependent households, data shows

Among welfare-dependent households, couples with two children aged 12 and older gained €24.65 per week. Photograph: iStock

Poorest gained 39 cent per week as wealthier gained €16.11 per week, think tank says

Labour leader Ivana Bacik with Máirín de Burca and Máirín Johnston at the celebration of journalist Mary Maher’s life. Photograph: Maxwells

Celebration of wonderful life on her favourite date of the year – International Workers’ Day

The ‘pandemic special recognition payment’, announced in January, is a tax-free lump sum

Homeless charities express ‘huge disappointment’ that their workers are excluded

Shanice Devitt jumping on Shelby at the Ballyowen equine centre, Clondalkin. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill

Department of Agriculture says it can no longer fund wages or other day-to-day costs at Ballyowen equine centre

Karen McEvoy was ‘an amazing mum, a brilliant lady and she will always be missed’.

Karen McEvoy died on Christmas Day 2018 a week after giving birth to daughter Ruby

Barry Kelly, partner of Karen McEvoy, and his  mother, Tina Kelly,  at Kildare Coroner’s Court. Photograph: Colin Keegan/  Collins Dublin

Karen McEvoy (24) died on Christmas day, 2018, one week after giving birth

Among reasons given for not wanting HAP tenants were that they were more likely to be “bad tenants”, that the HAP system was too bureaucratic, and that HAP was below market rent.

Unfair treatment in rental sector ‘prevalent’ for those receiving housing assistance

Adi Roche with a teenager from the Chernobyl region of Belarus who visited Ireland through her Chernobyl Children International charity. Photograph: Alan Betson

Campaigner calls on Geraldine Byrne Nason in attempt to avoid further disaster amid invasion

One-third of those counted were in tents and some 13 individuals had also been sleeping rough during the winter estimate. File photograph: Getty

Spring count of those sleeping outdoors reveals 91 ‘unique individuals’ bereft of home

Warm tributes were paid to Aidan Moffitt and Michael Snee at their funerals, both of which were held on Monday. Photograph: Garda/PA Wire

Taoiseach represented at services held in Rosocommon and Sligo

Michael Snee (58) was a ‘people person’, his funeral has heard.  Photograph: Garda/PA Wire

It will be the ‘simple things’ that loved ones will miss about 58-year-old, ceremony hears

Sheelagh Stubbs and Owen near their home in Knocksinna Court, Foxrock, Dublin. They can no longer access a public right of way because of changes made during a new development. Photograph: Alan Betson

Developers have blocked 150m sloping pathway used by Owen Stubbs in Foxrock

Some children were being medicalised and pathologised  at times when they needed trauma care, a conference in Dublin heard. Photograph: iStock

Conference hears all public services, including schools, should be ‘at least trauma aware’

Paula Fagan, chief executive of LGBT Ireland says there is ‘huge under-reporting’ of hate crime. Photograph: Dara Mac Donaill / The Irish Times

Situation has worsened since marriage equality referendum passed, says student

When Peamount’s star striker, Eleanor Ryan-Doyle, signed with Birmingham City last summer the Irish club didn’t even get an email from the British side informing them, says club chairperson Katie Thompson. ‘The British clubs don’t even have to ask us. We get nothing,” she says. Photograph : Lorraine O’Sullivan

Irish clubs missing out due to lack of payments long established in men’s game

‘The gangs need to be stopped, of course, but the root causes of the demand for drugs have to be faced – inequality, poverty, young people leaving school early.’ Photograph: Getty Images

Project leader says even if the Kinahans are put out of action altogether ‘there is always another gang waiting to take their plac(...)

 Floral tributes, photographs and candles  on Deanstown Avenue, Finglas, where James Whelan was discovered with a fatal gunshot wound at around 4.30am on Sunday morning. Photograph:  Colin Keegan, Collins Dublin

A week after a 29-year-old father was shot dead in Finglas there are fears of an escalation that will draw in already traumatised (...)

Gabriel (9) with parents Paul and Camelia Medves on Thomas Street, Dublin. Photograph:Nick Bradshaw

Shoppers in Dublin city centre tell of rising prices and bigger bills

Frank Curran said “construction price inflation is a real issue”. Photograph: iStock

How much councils could spend on housing constriction ‘needs to be examined’, committee hears

Prof Kathleen Lynch of  UCD hopes her book Care and Capitalism ‘might start a debate about the importance of care and relationships’ to a just society. Photograph: Alan Betson

Kathleen Lynch says pandemic has reorientated our thinking on what is important in life

Hugh Feely: ‘I have a woolly hat I keep under my pillow and if I’m really cold during the night I put that on.’ Photograph: Brian Farrell

Pensioner Hugh Feely (72) no longer uses the storage heaters at home due to price hikes

Minister for Children and Equality Roderic O’Gorman appeared before the Oireachtas Committee on Gender Equality on Thursday. Photograph: Gareth Chaney/Collins

O’Gorman tells committee of ‘genuine risk’ that vote on removing refernce could be lost

The provision of Traveller accommodation in the State must be ‘accelerated’, a Council of Europe body has warned. File photograph: Alan Betson/The Irish Times

European Committee of Social Rights says State has yet to fully address findings against it

Refugees from Ukraine arrive at a newly built arrival center on the tarmac of the former Tegel airport in Berlin, Sunday, March 20, 2022. Photograph: AP Photo/Steffi Loos

Anne Rabbitte said Irish planes should be sent to Moldova to help refugees

Dublin City Council hosted it’s Covid-19 commemorative event in Merrion Square this afternoon. Photograph: Nick Bradshaw/The Irish Times

President notes solemn occasion to ‘give honour and hold in memory those we have lost’

Tánaiste Leo Varadkar: He and his partner, Matthew Barrett, have offered to take in Ukrainian refugees. Photograph: Alan Betson

Tánaiste says offers of accommodation will be ‘altruistic’ as numbers set to top 20,000

Calls for  inspections in key industries including hospitality and construction. Photograph: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images

Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission calls for the dissemination of information

‘My family are scared. There are no supplies. Healthcare is destroyed,’ says Dr Alexander Boychak. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill

Dr Alexander Boychak has set up an initiative to help send medical supplies to Ukraine

Alison Lynch, Board member, Termination for Medical Reasons and Orla O’Connor, Director, National Women’s Council at Buswells Hotel, Molesworth St, Dublin on Tuesday. Photograph: Tom Honan for The Irish Times.

Fatal foetal abnormalities still leading to women having to seek terminations in UK

Lynsey Reilly at her home in Clondalkin: ‘It just isn’t logical to make us homeless when the council could buy this house.’ Photograph: Nick Bradshaw

Landlord says council told him that the area in question was ‘socially satisfied’

The circular from Minister for Housing Darragh O’Brien  tells local authorities that ‘there is limited scope for acquisitions in this period’. Photograph: Brian Lawless/PA Wire

Restriction on social housing acquisitions designed to avoid competing with first-time buyers

The report, published on Wednesday, is one of 30 from the health watchdog on centres for adults with disabilities. Photograph: iStock

Residents ‘very unhappy’ as staff unable to contact managers and take leave, report says

 The main reason women used public-transport was to meet care responsibilities, like school drop-offs.  Photograph: Alan Betson

Routes typically focus on commuting to work than meeting care needs, report finds

 Socialist Feminist Movement mark International Women’s Day with a standout at the Spire, O Connell Street, Dublin. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill / The Irish Times

Violence against women was recurring theme at events marking International Women’s Day

A woman and a child fleeing Ukraine walk towards a bus after crossing the Polish-Ukrainian border: It is understood 1,349 people have already arrived in Ireland from the Russian-attacked country. Photograph: Omar Marques

Junior Minister says schools should start preparing to welcome Ukrainian children

 People try to get an evacuation train at Dnipro train station on March 5th. Photograph: Emre Caylak/AFP

‘We don’t want another Calais ... It is important to keep that flow of people moving,’ Anne Rabbitte says

The Oireachtas Committee on Gender Equality  meet  at Leinster House on Thursday. From left: Sorca Clarke TD (Sinn Féin); Jennifer Carroll MacNeill TD (Fine Gael); Lorraine Kavanagh of the Citizens’ Assembly Secretariat; Niamh Smyth TD (Fianna Fáil); Bríd Smith TD (People Before Profit-Solidarity); Ivana Bacik TD, chair of the Committee (Labour); Dr Catherine Day, chairperson of the Citizens Assembly; Senator Regina Doherty (Fine Gael); Senator Pauline O’Reilly (Green Party); Senator Fintan Warfield (Sinn Féin); Senator Alice-Mary Higgins (Independent); Dr Mary Claire O’Sullivan of the Citizens’ Assembly Secretariat; and Paul McAuliffe, TD (Fianna Fáil). Phoograph: Maxwells

New Oireachtas committee hears recommendations to ‘force’ change quickly

Inspectors visiting St Michael’s House in Baldoyle, Dublin, on October 20th, 2021, found arrangements around some residents’ money were “not transparent”.

Watchdog reports non-compliances and insufficient resources in number of centres

Two sanitary units at Labre Park halting site in Ballyfermot, Dublin, 2015. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill

Council of Europe finds ‘no major improvement’ in situation in three years

Domestic abuse has escalated since 2019,  and the housing crisis is exacerbating the dearth of refuge spaces. Photograph: iStock

Tusla report calls for provision of at least 56 new refuge places ‘to meet lowest threshold’

The funerals of Miroslaw Sierakowski and Robert Matacz, two homeless men, at Dardistown Cemetery, Dublin. Photograph: Dara MacDónaill/The Irish Times

Coroner pays for burials where families unable to arrange repatriation or cannot be traced

Families and friends of the 48 victims of the Stardust fire  gather last Sunday for a  vigil to mark the 41st anniversary  of the tragedy  in Artane, Dublin. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill

Manager of Dublin nightclub where 48 died in 1981 made application to rule out possible finding

Minister of State for disabilities Anne Rabbitte plans to appoint an expert from outside the jurisdiction to review the management of HSE disabilities centres across the northwest, particularly in Co Donegal. Photograph: iStock

Minister of State Anne Rabbitte ‘not happy’ to have HSE review its management of centres in several counties

Delays in responding to cases led to a homeless child waiting two months to be seen by a social worker. File photograph: Getty

Health watchdog’s regional analysis notes progress but ‘improvements still required’

Public transport fares to be cut by 20 per cent. Photograph: iStock

Opposition and advocacy groups deem Government measures insufficient amid inflation surge

Labour Party finance spokesperson Ged Nash:   “The Government told struggling families to expect little from their cost-of-living package and they did not disappoint.”  Photograph: Gareth Chaney/Collins

‘Most vulnerable will continue to suffer’, lone-parent organisation One Family says

Bernie O’Raw, at home in Bluebell, Dublin 12: “I am very lucky the sun shines into this room so it stays warm for a few hours.”  Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill

Widow reacts to Government measures to tackle crisis of spiralling cost of living

Phyllis McHugh & husband Maurice McHugh whose daughter Caroline died in the Stardust fire at the Coroners Court inquest into the Stardust tragedy in the RDS, Dublin. Photo: Gareth Chaney/ Collins Photos  Phyllis McHugh and husband Maurice McHugh whose daughter Caroline died in the Stardust fire at the Coroners Court inquest into the Stardust tragedy in the RDS, Dublin. Photograph: Gareth Chaney/ Collins Photos

Eamon Butterly said he will challenge unless possible verdict of ‘unlawful killing’ is ruled out

‘Greater access to treatment will also increase awareness of the harmful consequences of problem gambling’. Photograph: iStock

Calls for greater funding for health services to treat gambling addiction

Homeless mothers are being prevented from getting their children back because local authorities will not allocate them homes with two-bedrooms, the Oireachtas housing committee has heard. Photograph: iStock

Charity worker says local authorities do not allocate homes with more than one bed to non-primary carers

The report into prison life found a ‘fairly disheartening picture’.  Photograph: Cyril Byrne

Concerns raised about overcrowding, mental health and use of solitary confinement

‘Our volunteers are getting to people in houses with literally no power, who are sitting in the cold, with candles, unfortunately quite regularly,’ says charity. Photograph: Getty Images

‘Real danger of deepening poverty’ unless Government measures are adequate

Cheryl Baker with her four-year-old son, Conor, in their Co Waterford home. ‘The only way to escape being poor is to get a really good, well-paid job,’ says the single mother who is studying for a master’s. Photograph: Patrick Browne

Two single mothers say their situations will worsen when fuel allowance ends in April

Eamon Butterly owned and managed the Stardust nightclub in Artane, Dublin, which was engulfed by fire on the night of February 13th/14th, 1981, resulting in the deaths of 48 people

Eamon Butterly could not commit to position on document in proceedings until ruling made

In a ruling on Monday the Supreme Court overturned a decision to grant Clare County Council orders requiring a Traveller family to vacate council lands. File photograph: Getty

Legislation in breach of Supreme Court ruling and should be amended, say rights advocates

The time lag between legislation on the right to request remote working and the return to offices already under way could lead to a new gender divide, Ictu warned. Photograph: Joe Giddens/PA Wire

Remote working likely to become feminised if employers return to old ways, Ictu warns

Ellen Arrigan, granddaughter, and Fiona Arrigan, daughter-in-law of Brian Arrigan attending the inquest on Friday. Photograph: Alan Betson

Son says call from hospital at 11pm ‘was the first we knew he wasn’t there’

Ictu secretary Patricia King said it was important employers not rush workers back to the workplace, given the fact legislation had yet to be enacted. Photograph: Alan Betson

Fears voiced that remote work could become ‘feminised’; employers urged to be cautious

The Government’s special rapporteur on children, Dr Conor O’Mahony, says children placed in PFAs are in ‘a precarious position’ and a ‘legal twilight zone’

Family placements have ‘questionable legal foundation’, says special rapporteur

Aontú TD Peadar Tóibín, who has been advocating for the family, says the case is ‘very worrying’. Photograph: Collins

Autistic teen sent to Belfast says he felt ‘abandoned’ during his 15 months there

The Garda campaign on tackling domestic abuse, Operation Faoiseamh, began on April 1st, 2020, in recognition of the heightened risk people living with domestic abuse were at under stringent lockdown measures.

Operation Faoiseamh targets perpetrators of violence in home and their prosecution

Former Debenhams staff rally outside the store on Henry Street in Dublin. File photograph: The Irish Times

Author of book about long-running dispute brands comments ‘offensive’ and ‘vile’

Tara Clancy, a court support worker for women experiencing domestic violence outside Naas Courthouse. Photograph: Laura Hutton

Domestic violence court accompaniment worker suggests how system might improve

Maria Arbuckle, whose son was removed from her for adoption when she was 18, attends  a protest over issues related to the mother and baby home redress scheme outside  Leinster House on Kildare Street, Dublin. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill

Many object to exclusion of babies who were in homes for less than six months

A webinar heard that while 22% of Travellers in the southwest could be classified as homeless, more than 85% were either homeless or in insecure and inadequate accommodation

State plays ‘huge role’ in the homelessness as local authorities regularly evicts Travellers

 Ashling Murphy’s mother Kathleen Murphy , father Raymond Murphy, brother Cathal Murphy and sister Amy Murphy comfort one another as they attend a candlelit vigil near the scene of her murder in Tullamore. Photograph: Charles McQuillan/Getty Images

Amid grief, shock and anger, thousands gather in town park for Ashling Murphy vigil

Jane Lowry 19, who played hurling with Ashling Murphy for Kilcormac Killoughey lays flowers with other floral tributes left near to the Grand Canal in Tullamore, County Offaly, where Ms Murphy was murdered on Wednesday evening. Photograph: Damien Eagers/PA Wire

‘It’s so hard to believe it’s in our own town, and that it’s happened to people we know’

Divorce and separation is ‘by far the biggest category’ within family law, at 41 per cent, according to Erin Brogan, Flac’s helpline manager.

Majority of calls about relationship breakdown have been coming from women

Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee, said she believed the scheme would ‘improve the lives of thousands of people across the country who contribute to our society’. Photograph: Tom Honan

Around 20,000 people are to expected to benefit from move to allow regularisation

Those in rented accommodation are at greatest risk of seeing their income fall because of housing costs. Photograph: iStock

‘At risk of poverty’ in 2020 meant living on or below €273.17 per week, says report

Shane O’Connor (17) whose body was found on Friday. Photograph: Sinéad O’Connor/Twitter

O’Connor questions how her teenage son was able to leave Tallaght hospital

The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission  says many people  care for older relatives  and women are overrepresented among employees availing of reduced hours. Photograph: iStock

Women more likely to face discrimination over care responsibilities than men – Ihrec

A mourner holding the Mass booklet at the funeral of Aoife Beary at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour in Foxrock, Dublin on Friday. Photograph: Laura Hutton

Uncle says 27-year-old insisted on ‘living life well’ after tragedy and that she ‘definitely achieved this’

 Garda Commissioner Drew Harris: The Policing Authority  is engaging with him on the matter of alleged  racial profiling checks at the Border. Photograph: Cyril Byrne

‘Selective passport checks’ conducted on buses crossing between NI and State

During a Mental Health Commission  inspection of the psychiatric unit in University Hospital Limerick, “a major fire risk was identified in the form of a missing fire door”.

Mental Health Commission criticises missing fire door and evacuation drills at various sites

More than 6,000 healthcare staff are on coronavirus-related leave as hospitals brace themselves for a sharp rise in patients infected with the disease this week.  Photograph: Getty Images

Irish Rail cancels several commuter services due to Covid-19 and close contact absences

Community First Responders Ireland  network alerted the public to the worrying and anti-social trend. File photograph: Getty

Persistent damage to, and theft of, devices countrywide ‘could be death sentence for patient’

 People  leave The Capuchin Day Centre after receiving a gift voucher for food this morning on Bow Street in Dublin City centre. Photograph: Damien Eagers for The Irish Times

Older people and children among those in line at Capuchin day centre from before dawn

‘I have attempted to be patient. I have been flexible . . . I am not a social worker’

‘Christmas is a time when, despite all the hype, some people feel more alone and isolated than ever.’ Photograph: iStock

Dublin’s Convention Centre, Kilkenny Castle, the Rock of Cashel among 70 taking part

Dr Ike Okafor says the lack of access to treatment was behind an increase in children presenting at his hospital’s emergency department

Almost 100,000 children on hospital waiting lists is ‘not good enough’, doctors’ group says

St Stephen’s hospital was ordered to reduce admissions to one of its units. Photograph: iStock

St Stephen’s hospital operating culture reminiscent of one from ‘decades ago’ – report

The risk of poverty remained high among disabled people, lone parents and adults living on their own, and increased among pensioners, the Central Statistics Office says. Photograph: iStock

CSO data shows 6.7 per cent of people employed were at risk of poverty in 2020

The disability services centre at Ard Greine Court, Stranorlar, Co Donegal. Photograph: Joe Dunne

Summary confirms extent of abuse but full report paints a far more comprehensive picture

The abuse by ’Brandon’ at Ard Gréine Court included sexual touching inside and outside other residents’ clothing, entering bedrooms at night, and masturbating in the presence of others. Photograph: Joe Dunne

Report finds 18 intellectually disabled residents subjected to ‘sustained sexual abuse’

‘Brandon’ was moved from the HSE-run Ard Gréine Court complex in in Stranorlar, to Brentwood Manor in Convoy, in May 2016

Report on sex abuse at Donegal centre published before it was seen by all families

The disability services centre at Ard Greine Court, Stranorlar, Co Donegal. Photograph:   Joe Dunne

Families of ‘Brandon’s’ victims to get advance notice of findings on Wednesday

Karen Kiernan of the National One-Parent Family Alliance says  she senses an ongoing antipathy to one-parent families. “They can’t achieve what two-parent families can. They need additional supports. It should be okay morally, ethically, socially, politically to do that.”

Oireachtas hears child poverty caused by ‘structural barriers’ to education and jobs

‘Brandon’ was moved from the HSE-run Ard Gréine Court complex in in Stranorlar, to Brentwood Manor in Convoy, in May 2016

‘Brandon’, who is now dead, found to have perpetrated 108 incidents of sexual abuse

The road remains closed and will stay closed overnight, a Garda spokesperson said. File photograph: Alan Betson

Postmortem to be carried out on man fatally injured in collision with car in Killygordon

 Margaret  McDonagh, chair of the Traveller Mental Health Network,  with tinsmith James Collins at a Traveller protest on International Human Rights Day.  Photograph: Alan Betson

Supporters gather at Leinster House to mark UN’s Human Rights Day and submit letter

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