Palestinian fighters unfurl a Lebanese flag seized in the Holiday Inn hotel on March 24th, 1976. File photograph: Getty

The Holiday Inn in Sarajevo was doubtless the most dangerous of the war hotels

Catherine Colonna has been appointed France’s minister for foreign affairs. File photograph: Tiziana Fabi/AFP via Getty Images

Former TCD student Clément Beaune reappointed as minister for European affairs

Newly appointed French prime minister Élisabeth Borne. Photograph: Christophe Petit Tesson/ EPA

Former employment minister is only second woman to hold the post in French history

Dmitry Muratov after he was assaulted on a train last month. Six journalists from Novaya Gazeta, the newspaper he edits, have been murdered. Photograph: Dmitry Muratov/Novaya Gazeta/AFP

Newspaper editor Dmitry Muratov is a rare voice speaking out against Putin’s ‘purpose-built, repressive system’

French president Emmanuel Macron last week. Photograph: Christophe Petit Tesson/Pool/EPA

Tone of Macron’s second term could be determined by his choice of prime minister

French leftist movement La France Insoumise’s leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon performed well in the first round of the presidential election last month. Photograph: Emmanuel Dunand/AFP via Getty Images

Move could threaten French president’s chances of securing National Assembly majority

President Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte: The odds of Macron uniting the centre are probably better than those of Le Pen or Mélenchon uniting the extremes. Photograph: Aurelien Meunier/Getty

Potential mergers loom in French political flux as president vows to represent all citizens

French president  Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte Macron celebrate after his victory in France’s presidential election, at the Champ de Mars in Paris. Photograph:  Bertrand Guay / AFP via Getty

French president promises a ‘more independent France’

Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte walked hand in hand as Beethoven’s Ode to Joy, the European anthem, plays on loudspeakers. Photograph: Getty Images

Re-election of French president Emmanuel Macron hailed by European leaders

Worlds apart: French president Emmanuel Macron and far-right party Rassemblement National presidential candidate Marine Le Pen. Photograph: Ludovic Marin/Pool/EPA

French voters must choose between ‘extreme centre’ and far right in presidential poll

Emmanuel Macron and  Marine Le Pen sit prior to taking part in Wednesday night’s  televised debate ahead of Sunday’s presidential election run-off. Photograph: Ludovic Marin/EPA

Lighter moments punctuate intense TV debate that highlights chasm between the candidates

 Marine Le Pen  during a campaign visit to Saint-Pierre-en-Auge, northwestern France, ahead of the second round of France’s presidential election. Photograph:  Sameer Al-DoumY/AFP via Getty

Debate set to be most important event in run-up to the April 24th presidential election

French presidential election candidate  Marine Le Pen with Russian president Vladimir Putin at the Kremlin: She believes it is important to ‘anchor Russia to Europe’.  Photograph: Mikhail Klimentyev/AFP

Macron’s rival for French presidency would push foreign policy that would sunder West

Jean-Luc Mélenchon is de facto the new leader of the French left, having outdistanced the Greens, Communists, Socialists and Trotskyists who sought to bury him. Photograph: Emmanuel Dunand/AFP via Getty Images

Far-left party leader relishing the role of arbiter and kingmaker

French far-right party Rassemblement National  presidential candidate Marine Le Pen. She has softened her image by concentrating on cost-of-living issues and social policy. Photograph: Thomas Samson/AFP via Getty Images

If she wins the presidential run-off on April 24th the status of 5.2m foreigners living in France will be threatened

French president and La Republique en Marche  party candidate Emmanuel Macron meets workers in Denain: “I am here to convince people.” Photograph: Lewis Joly

President faces tricky act of wooing voters on right and left in France divided in three blocs

French president Emmanuel Macron addresses supporters after the initial results of the first round of France’s presidential election, at the Paris Expo Porte de Versailles in Paris on Sunday. Photograph: Ludovic Marin/AFP via Getty Images

Exit polls show Macron on about 28% of first-round vote and Le Pen on 23%

  Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron will go into the April 24th presidential election runoff, according to projections following Sunday’s vote.  Photographs: Joel Saget and Eric Feferberg/AFP via Getty Images

President under threat from far-right candidate on April 24th after underwhelming campaign

French far-right  presidential candidate Marine Le Pen talking to  a butcher on the campaign trail in Perpignan, southern France. Photograph: Lionel Bonaventure/AFP via Getty Images

Election looked set to be a replay of 2017 but the president’s win is no longer a certainty

Olena Biletska and her children, Dmytro and Daria, in Mariupol in August 2021. They have since fled the city

Olena Biletska (52) fled Mariupol on March 15th with her mother and two children

Andriy Biletsky was a co-founder of Ukraine’s  extreme right-wing party, Social-National Assembly. He went on to create the Azov group and is today helping to co-ordinate the defence of the capital, Kyiv. Photograph:  STR/NurPhoto via Getty Images

Accusations focus on the Azov Regiment, an extreme right-wing group, but it represents less than 2% of Ukraine’s armed forces

A memorial to the approximately 160,000 Polish and Ukrainian Jews who were taken from Lviv and murdered by the Nazis in the second World War. Photograph: Lara Marlowe

Barbaric 20th-century anti-Semitism, genocide and relocation hang over Russian invasion

Ukraine’s navy sank the Russian ship Orsk in the Sea of Azov near the port city of Berdyansk. Photograph: AP

Russians seek to lure besieged residents of bombarded Mariupol on to buses for Rostov

A  residential building destroyed during shelling in Kharkiv, Ukraine, on Wednesday. Photograph: Andrzej Lange/EPA

Russian troops face fierce resistance as Zelenskiy says 100,000 remain in Mariupol

Presbyterian pastor Serhiy Nakul in Kyiv. Nakul has written in several Facebook posts that Putin is Satan. ‘Someone embodies evil in every historical period,’ he says. ‘Now it is Putin’

Pastor records video blog ‘to show Russia’s war crimes’

This Maxar satellite image taken on March 19th shows Russian tanks and armored vehicles in the streets and destroyed buildings in Mariupol, Ukraine. Photograph: Satellite image ©2022 Maxar Technologies/AFP via Getty Images

UN secretary general says war in Ukraine is ‘unwinnable’ for Russia

A monument in front of the giant protective dome built over the sarcophagus of the destroyed fourth reactor of Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Photograph: Genya Savilov/AFP via Getty

The facilities were ‘not built to withstand acts of war’, says Ukrainian nuclear physicist

The village of Krasylivka, east of Kyiv, on Sunday as Russian forces tried to encircle the Ukranian capital. Photograph: Aris Messinis/AFP via Getty

Former finance minister believes Russia’s negotiating position grows weaker by the day

Finnish weapons instructor Tomi Hiltunen with pharmacist Mariana Oliynyk, who  signed up for a course on weapons and war wounds.  Photograph: Lara Marlowe

Nail artists and software engineers among those signing up for weapons training

Ales and Toma should be free to settle in Ireland.

War has not prevented couple imagining a life beyond limbo in which they find themselves

A woman passes near a Moscow Orthodox church that was partially destroyed after being bombed by Russian aircraft, in Malyn, Ukraine. Photograph: Miguel A Lopes/EPA

‘I want us to leave the Moscow church. It is over,’ head of Lviv monastery says

Aftermath of a Russian air strike on Monday in the Obolon district of Kyiv, according to  the State Emergency Service of Ukraine. Photograph: Emergency Service of Ukraine/via Getty

Russia deploying tactical strategy refined in Syria with devastating effect, say experts

Residents of Mykolaiv, Ukraine, work to repair a captured Russian tank on Sunday. Photograph: Tyler Hicks/ The New York Times

An officer’s tale of hope and bloodshed from Ukraine’s embattled coastline

Maria Yatsenko, age 34, fled Dnipro, central Ukraine, with her five children, father and grandmother. Photograph: Lara Marlowe

‘I am not going back to Kyiv because I don’t want to hide in the basement’

Viltor Dudar: ‘Viktor believed that if you are a worthy citizen of Ukraine you must defend this country,” said Uliana Vityuk, the editor of Expres.  ‘He was in the reserves and he knew he would be called up right away.’

Journalist Viktor Dudar could have worked as a military spokesman from the safety of an office, but he wanted to fight invading Ru(...)

A  statue wrapped in foam and plastic sheeting to protect it against possible bombardment in 
Lviv, Ukraine. Photograph: Ivor Prickett/The New York Times

Ukrainian authorities in race against time to protect cultural heritage from destruction

Racheal and Christiana Diyaolu. Racheal has managed to get out of the northeastern Ukrainian city of Sumy.

Racheal Diyaolu is travelling to Moldova in two-van convoy driven by Scottish duo

Maria Kozymka (left) has welcomed long lost relatives Bronislava Liforenko and Alexander Topal into her home in Lviv. Photograph: Lara Marlowe

‘I never thought there would be another war in Ukraine. I cannot comprehend it’

The congregation gathers for a Sunday service at the Saint Peter and Paul Garrison Church in Lviv on Sunday. Photograph:   Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

Lviv Letter: West Ukrainian hub looks out for Moscow agents amid patriotism and prayers

A carriage on the train from Przemysl, Poland, to Lviv, Ukraine, late on Friday: ‘The moment the war started, I knew I had to come back,’ said one man. Photograph: Lara Marlowe

Idealism propels young men from safe countries to fight in defence of Ukraine

Refugees from Ukraine after crossing the Ukrainian-Polish border at Korczowa. Photograph:  Wojtek Radwanski/AFP via Getty Images

Polish professor traces cause of current Russian invasion back to the 16th century

Mariusz Zukek and the Riders on the Storm bikers’ club travelled 300 km to Przemysl to serve hot soup to refugees arrivingfrom Ukraine. Photograph: Lara Marlowe

Poles prepare food, offer their homes and provide transport to fleeing families

 (From left) Students Lynda Joyce, Alma Iipinge, Marie-Rose Okoa and Lionnelle Efouba who lived in   the same university hostel in Kropyvnytskyi, central Ukraine. They are now  refugees living rough in Przemysl, Poland.  Photograph: Lara Marlowe

Many African students study in Ukraine, and their flight from the country has been particularly traumatic

 Petro Hirnyy, Petro Antonyuk and Mykola and Sergiy Suhinsky: The Ukrainians are returning from Paris to northwest Ukraine after the Russian invasion. Photograph: Lara Marlowe

Four men are among many others bravely undertaking a patriotic trek into danger

Vladimir Putin: The Russian president shook history’s tail, and it stung us. Photograph: Adam Berry/Getty

Near impunity over previous incursions emboldened Russian leader

British foreign secretary Liz Truss arrives at Downing Street on Thursday morning for  an emergency meeting to discuss the UK response to the crisis in Ukraine. Photograph: Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images

Boris Johnson promises decisive response to Putin’s choice of ‘bloodshed and destruction’

Russian armour at the railway station in Rostov, Russia, on Wednesday. Photograph: EPA

Western powers appear unable to thwart Putin’s strategy to reassert Russian influence

French-British writer Michael Edwards and French historian and member of the French Academy Helene Carrere-d’Encausse. Photograph: Patrick Kovarik/AFP via Getty Images

Paris Letter: ‘The invasion of Anglo-American subjects our language to mortal peril’

French President Emmanuel Macron  is determined not to replicate the US rout from Afghanistan last August. Photograph: Ian Langsdon/AP

Deterioration of France’s relations with Mali’s rulers is main reason for pull-out

French conservative party Les Républicains (LR) presidential candidate Valérie Pécresse leaves at the end of her speech at the Zénith  in Paris, last Sunday. Photograph: Alain Jocard/AFP via Getty Images

French conservative candidate ‘crossed Rubicon’ with reference to ‘great replacement’

Fr Jacques Hamel’s grave: The priest was killed before the altar of his church in  Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray, a small town south of Rouen. Photograph: Jean-Francois Monier/AFP

Witnesses include man (92) who survived stabbing and throat-slashing in same attack

 Salah Abdeslam: “I understand that justice wants to make examples of us. I would like to send a different message.” Photograph: Belgian Federal Police/AFP

Abdeslam seeks leniency for not detonating suicide vest in terrorism acts that killed 131

 French president Emmanuel Macron  and Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy: Mr Macron is playing for high stakes in the Russian-Ukrainian crisis but he has nothing to lose domestically. Photograph: Chris McGrath/Getty

Despite widespread mockery French president masterfully extracts ‘dual commitment’

Russian president Vladimir Putin watches French president Emmanuel Macron arriving for a joint press conference after their meeting in Moscow on Monday. Photograph: Thibault Camus/AFP via Getty Images

French president reiterates Putin told him he had no intention of escalating conflict

French president Emmanuel Macron, right, and Russian president Vladimir Putin in Berlin, January 2020. Photograph: Emmanuele Contini/Getty

French president does not see invasion of Ukraine as imminent as he visits Moscow and Kyiv

Rosetta Beaugendre, Nora Hickey, Ambassador Niall Burgess and Dublin milliner – and James Joyce lookalike  – John Shevlin at a celebration of the publication of Ulysses and launch of an artistic and philosophical examination of the first century of Irish independence.

Irish Cultural Centre in Paris celebrates 100th anniversary of publication of Ulysses

 Christiane Taubira, the former Socialist justice minister,  wins the ‘people’s primary’ presidential contest on January 30th. Photograph:  Thomas Coex/ AFP via Getty

Poll intended to whittle down number of left and Green candidates in presidential race

French president Emmanuel Macron attends a ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier under the Arc de Triomphe in Paris to mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day on Thursday. Photograph: Thibault Camus/Pool/AFP via Getty Images

French president spoke to Vladimir Putin for over an hour in bid to de-escalate tensions

French President Emmanuel Macron may broach the subject of a summit with Vladimir Putin. Photograph: EPA

Representatives of France, Germany, Russia and Ukraine to reconvene crisis talks on Friday

French president Emmanuel Macron: “The president will talk with Vladimir Putin to propose to him a path of de-escalation,” an adviser says. Photograph: Tobias Schwarz

‘Path of de-escalation’ to be proposed by French president as fears of war worsen

President Emmanuel Macron: “Our generation is rediscovering the precariousness of the rule of law and democratic values . . . History is stuttering.” Photograph: Bertrand Guay

Despite criticism French president shares large EU states’ desire to form world power

Michel Wieviorka, a prominent leftist sociologist, has been labelled an islamo-gauchiste by his anti-woke colleagues.  Photograph: Ludovic Marin/AFP/ Getty Images

Paris Letter: Establishment wants no part of ‘social science theories imported from US’

Portrait of Marcel Proust by Jacques-Émile Blanche, 1892. Musée d’Orsay, Paris

An exhibition at the Musée Carnavalet places Proust in his Belle Époque milieu

Eric Zemmour during a campaign visit in the northern France village of Honnecourt-sur-Escaut. Photograph: Bertrand Guay/AFP via Getty Images

Extreme right-wing presidential candidate fined €10,000 for tirade against migrants

French president Emmanuel Macron  with European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen following their meeting  in Paris on Friday. Photograph:  Ludovic Marin/AFP via Getty Images

Russian and US diplomats to begin talks on the conflict on Monday, without the EU

Emmanuel Macron said he would do his utmost to make life difficult for those who refuse to be vaccinated against Covid-19, but used the verb ‘emmerder’ – whose root, ‘merdre’, is vulgar French for excrement. Photograph: Martin Bureau/AFP via Getty

French president’s use of vulgar verb in relation to unvaccinated sparks controversy

The Arc de Triomphe lit up in blue to mark the French presidency of the European Union in Paris on January 1st, 2022. Photograph: Julien de Rosa/AFP via Getty

France’s lurch to the right is the biggest challenge to Macron’s re-election hopes

Poppy and Memory, a Messerschmitt fighter-bomber sculpted in lead by German artist Anselm Kiefer.

Paris Letter: Anselm Kiefer’s ‘For Paul Celan’ exhibition twists ‘knife in German wound’

French president Emmanuel Macron (left) answers questions of journalist Darius Rochebin during a televised interview at the Élysée Palace in Paris. Photograph: Ludovic Marin/AFP via Getty

In TV interview French president attempts to defuse issues likely to threaten campaign

Christians attend  Mass at the Mar Addai Chaldean Catholic Church in the predominantly Iraqi Christian town of Qaraqosh, in Niniveh province.  Photograph: Ahmad al-Rubaye/AFP via Getty Images

Book review: War correspondent Janine di Giovanni details persecution and dwindling presence

German chancellor Olaf Scholz with  French president Emmanuel Macron: A build-up of Russian troops and armour on Ukraine’s borders has sparked fears Vladimir Putin is preparing to invade the country. Photograph: Ian Langsdon

German chancellor and French president look to ‘Normandy format’ to reduce tensions

French president Emmanuel Macron wants “to design a new European model for growth . . . a model of production and of solidarity” which could “create wealth and protect its social model”. Photograph: Ludovic Marin

France’s president lays out vision for EU presidency and urges new spirit for Europe

 French President Emmanuel Macron: ‘We have to show that Europe makes us stronger.’ Photograph: Thierry Monasse/Getty Images

President will be keen to advance vision of a powerful and independent Europe as France dictates EU agenda

Éric Ciotti (centre) led the poll. Ciotti is a party hack who has never served as a cabinet minister and is virtually a clone of the independent extreme right-wing candidate Éric Zemmour. Photograph:  Bertrand Guay/AFP via Getty

Ciotti and Pécresse battle for dominance after party’s shock first-round primary result

Images of Josephine Baker are projected on the Pantheon monument during a ceremony dedicated to the American-born French dancer and singer in Paris on Tuesday night. Photograph:   Thibault Camus/POOL/AFP via Getty Images

American-born woman admitted to the Panthéon at elaborate ceremony in Paris

British home secretary Priti Patel had been due to attend talks in Paris on Sunday on the crisis over migrants crossing the  Channel. Photograph: Jessica Taylor/EPA/UK Parliament

Invitation to Priti Patel to attend talks withdrawn after Johnson tweets letter

Remains of the migrants’ inflatable boat and personal belongings left on the beach near Wimereux, France, on Wednesday. Photograph: EPA

Migrants trying to reach Britain a source of tension between London and Paris for years

Performer Josephine Baker circa 1925: Baker became famous for singing J’ai Deux Amours, about her love for both the US and France. Photograph: Hulton Archive/Getty Images

Paris Letter: Dancer titillated audiences while working for the French Resistance

Julie Manet in a Hat, around 1894. Photograph: Musée Marmottan Monet

Exhibition recounts vast family saga, with paintings by Julie's mother Berthe Morisot and uncle Édouard Manet

 Salah Abdeslam  is escorted by Belgian police officers at his trial in Brussels after a shootout that led to his capture in the Belgian capital in  2018. Photograph: Francois Lenoir/AFP/Getty

Chastened defendant Abdeslam cites his rejection of ‘western values’ before he embraced Islamic radicalism

 Emmanuel Macron  lays a wreath near the Pont de de Bezons  in Colombes near Paris to  commemorate the brutal repression of a 1961 demonstration during which at least 120 Algerians were killed during a protest to support Algerian independence. Photograph: Rafael Yaghobzadeh/EPA

Controversy over large reduction in visas for Algerians reignites old enmities

Robert Fisk, a man of ‘extraordinary courage and journalistic genius’. Photograph: Mick Tsikas/EPA

In a new memoir, journalist Lara Marlowe recalls the life she shared with her former husband

Eric Zemmour has never been elected to public office and has not officially declared his candidacy for the presidency. However his dark rhetoric may be more in synch with the national mood than Emmanuel Macron’s chirpy optimism. Photograph: Christophe Simon/AFP via Getty Images

Six months before the presidential election a poll shows newcomer could be pitted against Macron

Imams from the Grand Mosque of Paris carry a floral tribute, in front of the school where teacher Samuel Paty worked, in Conflans Sainte Honorine, on Friday. Photograph: Lewis Joly/AP Photo

The country has endured 21 jihadist attacks since 2015, with 18 such attacks foiled

Many developing countries say their interests have been sidelined and Oxfam calls the agreement “a rich country stitch-up”.   Photograph: iStock

Plan ‘provides certainty’ needed for State to sign up, Paschal Donohoe says

François Devaux, founder of a victims’ association  speaks during the publishing of the report. Photograph: Thomas Coex, Pool via AP

Up to 3,200 clerical predators in France since 1950, report estimates

The Independent Commission on Sexual Abuse in the Church has taken nearly three years to complete the study. Photograph: Fred Tanneau / AFP via Getty

At least 10,000 victims were abused over past 70 years, commission president says

 Francois Mitterrand surrounded by photographers during the French cabinet meeting at Elysee Palace on May 27th, 1981 in Paris. Photograph: Picot/Stills/Gamma-Rapho via Getty

Paris Letter: Former French president had affair with young woman during his final years

Set to appeal: former French president Nicolas Sarkozy. Photograph: François Lo Presti/AFP via Getty

Former president to be confined to his home in sign to successors times have changed

 Emmanuel Macron: more than half the 60 proposals made by the French president  in his Sorbonne speech in 2017 have been realised. Photograph:  Ludovic Marin/EPA

As he shifts into re-election campaign mode, the French president can boast of having given the EU fresh impetus over the last fou(...)

  President Emmanuel Macron has reportedly been in a state of ‘cold anger’ over the ‘betrayal’. Photograph: Stefano Rellandini/EPA

French ambassador to return to Washington as crisis over new ‘Aukus’ alliance eases

 A photograph from February 11th, 2019, showing Australia’s prime minister Scott Morrison (centre),  Australia’s defence minister Christopher Pyne and France’s defence minister Florence Parly (right) after signing a  submarine deal   in Canberra.  Photograph:  Getty Images

French admiral says US has broken a pact among nuclear powers on the UN Security Council by agreeing to sell nuclear submarines

French foreign minister Jean-Yves Le Drian: ‘There were lies, duplicity, a major rupture of confidence, contemptuousness. So things are not all right between us.’ Photograph:  Getty Images

Australian PM says French ‘should have known’ country’s misgivings about submarine capabilities

Algerian former president Abdelaziz Bouteflika salutes the crowd. Photograph: Alfred de Montesquieu/AP Photo

The 20-year Algerian president’s death greeted with something like embarrassment

A Taliban fighter among shoppers in Kabul’s Mandawi market. The last time the Taliban were in power, they were armed with broken Kalashnikovs, says Kourosh. ‘Now they are armed to the teeth with American weapons.’ Photograph: Hoshang Hashimi/AFP via Getty Images

Western governments must ensure aid ‘reaches intended beneficiaries’, unlike previously

Adnan Abu Walid al-Sahrawi: His   killing has “struck a decisive blow against the command structure of Isis in the Sahel. The organisation has been decapitated,” says French defence minister Florence Parly.  Photograph: AFP via Getty Images

Macron hails extrajudicial killing of Sahrawi in Africa as ‘major success’

Former French health minister Agnès Buzyn has been placed under formal investigation. Photograph: Lucas Barioulet/AFP via Getty Images

Agnès Buzyn and Alexandre Benalla’s legal woes come as president prepares for election

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