American chef, author and TV host Julia Child in her kitchen in  Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1972. Photograph: Hans Namuth/Getty Image

Russ Parsons on his close friendship with an icon of American food writing and broadcasting - and what she really thought about th(...)

Salt is the seasoning that is most likely to improve your dish and also the one that is most likely to be misused. Photograph: iStock

With these simple storecupboard staples you can transform your cooking, if you know how

A roast leg is one of my favourite dinner party dishes. Photograph: iStock

When it comes to gamey perfection, don’t overcook the meat. Instead, think pink

Russ Parsons says his experience with potatoes in Ireland has been hit or miss.

Russ Parsons: I was in a state of profound potato ignorance when I arrived in Ireland

The caramelisation process will require patience. Photograph: iStock

Making this amazing building block to flavour takes time, but you'll end up with edible gold

Mussels from Roaring Water Bay

Russ Parsons: The selection in California was great, but we’ve found real quality here

Russ Parsons: ‘The definition of luxury is having enough of the little tools that I use constantly’

Russ Parsons: I came to Ireland with three knives and an instant-read thermometer

Like millions of Americans, no matter how far we are from where our families started, when we gather at the table we give thanks that we’re home

Ireland adopting Thanksgiving is as incongruous as the US honouring St Brigid’s Day

Russ Parsons: ‘I ate almost the whole bowl by myself, to my wife’s chagrin.’

It's not always a bad thing to cook vegetables for a long time, broccoli and cauliflower can be transformed in this way

Until the advent of specialty growers, consumer surveys showed that the state of the tomato was the single biggest source of customer unhappiness in the grocery. Photograph: iStock

Russ Parsons: I’ve fixed them enough different ways to make a week’s worth of dinners

Peachy. Photograph: iStock

Patience is all you need to ripen fruit such as peaches at home. And a bit of vigilance

Russ Parsons in his kitchen in Waterford. Photograph: Harry Weir

Embracing the ritual of cooking will do more good than following tons of tricky recipes

I’ve long had a soft spot for strawberries – good strawberries, that is, not the Styrofoam-firm, bland fruits of international commerce. Photograph: iStock

The stands selling Wexford strawberries seem to be popping up everywhere right now

People come in to the butcher’s, and they have a chat while they buy their meat. That personal touch is part of our culture. Photograph: iStock

Russ Parsons: Customers don’t come just for the meat, they come for the personal touch

‘Some variation of vegetable soup is now a standard mid-week dinner.’ Photograph: iStock

The Los Angeles Times’s former food editor on a year of discovering the way Ireland really eats

Russ Parsons: ‘Granted, when found in the wild, Brussels sprouts can be rather curious looking.’

Russ Parsons: I would bet most sprout-haters have only experienced ill-prepared offerings

Russ Parsons: ‘I’ve always thought of Twitter as being a little like having a charming psychopath you can carry around in your pocket’

Russ Parsons: After I was hacked I realised realised just how important the platform has been to my Irish existence

‘Thanksgiving is our one true national food holiday and it’s almost impossible to imagine it without a roast turkey as centrepiece.’ Photograph: iStock.

Russ Parsons: This truly does make the moistest, best-tasting turkey you’ve ever cooked

Thomas Keller has restaurants in California and New York. Photographs: Deborah Jones

Thomas Keller: Covid-19 is hurting younger chefs who are still building their careers

‘Sometimes you have to do things wrong to decide how you want to do them again’

Russ Parsons. Photograph: Harry Weir

In the second of his monthly columns about his move to Waterford, Russ Parsons, former food editor at the Los Angeles Times, gets (...)

Russ Parsons: ‘I suppose it’s only natural that the webs of friendship, or at least acquaintance, in Ireland would be tighter than in the US.’

The first in a new monthly column by Russ Parsons, former food editor of the Los Angeles Times, who is currently living in Waterfo(...)

Russ Parsons in his home in Waterford: “I find lovely cod and hake and the most delicious mackerel.” Photograph: Harry Weir

Russ Parsons, former food editor of the Los Angeles Times, leaves California behind and discovers Ireland’s great ingredients

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